2024-09-03 BELA Meeting Notes

Attendees (please add your name)

@Kathleen Moore @Kim @Jennifer Eustis @Amanda Ros @Lynne Fors @Christine Tobias @Sara Colglazier @Sara Riggs @Kimie Kester @Jeanette Kalchik @Tim Kiser @Lisa English @Scott Perry @Robert Scheier

Note Taker:


Meeting Recording:








  • Attendees - please add your name to the list of attendees.


Ramsons release updates

  • Bulk edit (Kanban Board)

  • Lists app (Kanban board

    • Demo of new features in Ramsons

      • Added support for querying repeatable fields with defined inputs

        • Examples: Users – Departments, Items – Statistical code

      • Added ability to “export visible columns (csv)” to Actions menu in addition to “export all columns (csv)”

        • Export list (csv) has changed to these two options

        • Q: possible confusion with terminology “visible columns” maybe change to “selected columns”

          • Agreement by all to clarifying the terminology and easy to change prior to Ramsons release.


Implementation topics

Updates for:

New feature to discuss:

  • Display enumeration, chronology, volume, and display summary with effective call number for items and holdings. These are in draft. Do we need to add the new “Display summary” field which is present only in the item? There are 2 aspects to this.

    • Aspect on how to display item effective call number:

      • Add “Year, caption” for institutions that use it

      • Include shelving order

    • Aspect on what we can include in our list query search:

      • Add “Year, caption” for institutions that use it

      • Include shelving order

    • Import for Circulation and Cataloging workflows

      • Serials

      • Multi-volume sets

    • Need the shelving order to come out correctly for sorting in Excel

Comments from chat:

  • It's not always the item for effective location. It gets tiered down from the holdings

  • It would be helpful to have the Item effective call number and the permanent call number & location.

  • Need for enhancements to the Inventory API(s) so the data in Lists (and perhaps Bulk Edit) stays in sync

    • Important for Cross App interactions

    • And other API endpoints that could be utilized by the Lists app

Link to Topic Trackers