- Allow user to add adjustments to Purchase Order LinesUXPROD-5082
- Link to vendor organization record from InvoiceUISACQCOMP-147Resolved issue: UISACQCOMP-147Joseph Reimers
- Open receiving record when there is one result and close pane on new searchUIREC-437
- When there is only one piece received check row by defaultUIREC-435
- Selecting on "receive" in Orders returns one POL in ReceivingUIREC-289
- Delete connected item when piece is deleted from Receiving appUIREC-287
- Receipt status for withdrawn itemsUIREC-273
- Add the ability to search for purchase order lines by multiple fundsUIPFPOL-82Resolved issue: UIPFPOL-82Dennis Bridges
- Set "Organizations Status" in search filters to Active by defaultUIORGS-456
- Ability to search/filter contacts from Organization App main searchUIORGS-451
- Specify credential access at the interface levelUIORGS-412
- Organization Picklists for country and languageUIORGS-408
- Add "Name" field on contact informationUIORGS-349
- Add an "attention to" field for organization contract addressUIORGS-348
- Open order or POL pane when there is a single search result and close on new searchUIOR-1395
- Fund Distribution accordion is above donor accordion in a POLUIOR-1386
- Trigger email to requester on receiptUIOR-1377
- Allow tenant level disabling of ISBN validationUIOR-1375
- Add adjustments to Purchase Order LineUIOR-1360
- When linking to an inventory instance, all product IDs should be transferredUIOR-1356
- Unlink orders from instanceUIOR-1342
- Make selector a configurable listUIOR-1333
- Display Agreement Line Description in POL instead of Agreement NameUIOR-1331
- Orders: display of prefix and suffix at PO numbers and PO linesUIOR-1328
- Display Warning before opening POL with unassigned fundsUIOR-1296
- multi select vendor account number from drop down filterUIOR-1272
- Changing the vendor in the order changes or removes material supplier in all POLsUIOR-1271
- Add the ability to search for purchase order lines by multiple fundsUIOR-1270Resolved issue: UIOR-1270Dennis Bridges
- [Spike] Add the ability to include multipe fund codes in filters for purchase ordersUIOR-1269Resolved issue: UIOR-1269Dennis Bridges
- Retro fit a POL as a Package to handle Name ChangeUIOR-1262Sergiy Vysotskiy
- Search for Purchase Order Lines by instance and holding HRIDUIOR-1228
- Add "Receiving workflow" and Created by as filters and option for export to .csvUIOR-1193
- Display Vendor Invoice Number in place of FOLIO invoice ID in related invoicesUIOR-1190
- Edit item details on an open order when the purchase order is not linked to inventoryUIOR-1189
- Allow additional editable fields in the open POLUIOR-1188
- Set Holdings Type in Purchase order lineUIOR-1175
- Display Vendor (Name with Code) in Order Line Header along with POLUIOR-1165
- Enabling the deactivation of obsolete Order Prefix valuesUIOR-1158
- Enabling the deactivation of obsolete Acquisition Method valuesUIOR-1157
- Require UnOpeneing purchase order before deleting line from an OPEN or Closed One-Time OrderUIOR-1115
- Run Job to close purchase orders where all purchase order lines are full paidUIOR-1092
- Allow institutions to configure business logic for automatically closing orderUIOR-1091Resolved issue: UIOR-1091
- Allow Editing of "Renewal Date" and "Subscription to" on open purchase order lineUIOR-1078Resolved issue: UIOR-1078Joseph Reimers
- Duplicate an order templateUIOR-1056Resolved issue: UIOR-1056Joseph Reimers
- Link to vendor organization record from OrderUIOR-1055Resolved issue: UIOR-1055Joseph Reimers
- Add ability to link an order with an existing itemUIOR-1052
- Open invoice pane when there is a single search result and close pane on new searchUINV-587
- Allow altering of rounding behavior for acquisitions appsUINV-560
- Provide comparable Invoice line to invoice navigation - hyperlink search behavior.UINV-558
- add the ability to filter invoices by multiple fundsUINV-548Resolved issue: UINV-548Dennis Bridges
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