MARC authority app
Current Capabilities (as of Ramsons release)
Search / Browse authority records (powered by Open Search)
Search options: Keyword, LCCN, Personal name, Corporate/Conference name, Name-title, Subjects, Children's subject, Geographic name, Genre
Advanced search
Supports Boolean: AND, OR
Supports Search modifiers: Starts with, exact phrase, contains, and contains all
Search Sort | Relevance (default), Authorized/Reference , Heading/Reference, Type of heading
Search Facets | Authority source , Type of heading, Thesaurus, Exclude See also, Exclude See from, Date created, Date updated
Browse authority records
Browse options: Personal name, Corporate/Conference name, Name-title, Subjects, Children's subject, Geographic name, Genre
Browse Facets | Authority source , Type of heading, Exclude See from
Search/Browse Results List Display
Column headings: Authorized/Reference , Heading/Reference, Type of heading, Authority source, Number of titles
Number of titles column: Each value links to a a list of bib records controlled by authority heading
Detail record view: MARC
Create/Edit/Print/Delete MARC authority record via quickMARC UI
Edit authority heading will also update linked/controlled bib fields
Default Purge deleted authority records: 7 days after deletion (is configurable)
Export authority records (.mrc - full MARC records) / (csv - just UUIDs). Export is available via Data export.
Generate Authority control reports: Authority headings change report (.csv) and Failed linked bibs report (.csv). Reports are accessible via Export manager.
Shortcut keys
Data import use
DO NOT load the same record twice. Unlike Sierra, FOLIO does not have separate indexes.
To create MARC authority records
You may use the default job profile: Default - Create SRS MARC Authority
To prevent duplicates, create and attach a match profile to the job profile
AND attach the Create SRS MARC authority record action profile to Non-matches section
OR you can create a new job profile and do not change - default job profile: Default - Create SRS MARC Authority
To update MARC authority records > Create your own job profile
Create a match profile (can match on any field i.e. 010 $a or 001 or 999 ff $s/$i).
Authority control
Data import authority 1XXs updates will also update linked bib fields
Depending on the change, it may unlink the bib fields
Example 1: Updated Authority 100 removed subfield t thus bib field 240 (which requires a subfield t) will no longer be linked
It should not significantly impact data import as it is using a different service to update bib records.
Data import authority 010 $a updates > will also update linked bib fields $0 (SEE Rules for handling 010 (MARC authority - 1XX)
Data import linked bib field updates
If $0 is removed then bib field will be unlinked
If $0 is edited then bib field will be unlinked
Possibility that duplicate bib fields are created for repeatable fields
Data export > Save all UUIDs via API (To be reviewed)
Endpoint to submit job:
Endpoint to get job status:
Endpoint to get job results:
Authority source configuration
- An institution can configure additional authority sources via Settings > MARC authority > Manage authority files.
MARC validation rules (To be added)
- System configuration
- Tenant configuration
Authority control rules (To be added)
Migration: Authority fields and subfields to review (To be reviewed)
- Authority linking AND bib field $9 handling
- For bib fields that are eligible to be linked to an authority record, do not import $9.
- $9 is used to populate the linked authority record UUID
- TBD - $0 logic
Release upgrades considerations
- Authority record upgrades
- If mapping rules changes were made then existing records will not reflect changes with release upgrade UNLESS the records are updated using app-marc-migrations