2023-05-19 Meeting Notes

2023-05-19 Meeting Notes


Off-Hours Guidelines

D4. Define guidelines/best practices around pausing/stopping environments when they're not in use - e.g. off-hours/weekends/etc.

Last week: 

  • Yogesh Kumar still working on a few details with Kitfox
  • Should release environments also have off-hours?  (From Kitfox sprint review: Peter Murray discussed bringing to PC and TC whether we bring the same weekend suspension to the hosted release environments.  Peter will look at what savings that would be.)
    • Maybe start with weekends only?   Peter Murray will estimate cost savings.  No actual env changes for that right now.
      • Look at logs also, see who accesses them over the weekend.
      • Maybe higher use nearer a flower release.
      • Look at snapshot, snapshot-2, and the two release environments


  • Yogesh Kumar still a few things to wrap up with Kitfox (updating document), hopefully wrapping up today.  
  • Peter Murray still to look at the weekend cost savings estimate for reference release environments.

Budgets / Cost Anomaly Detection

D5. Create AWS Budgets and AWS Budget Alerts for daily and monthly spend rates

D6. Explore AWS Cost Anomaly Detection and Rightsizing Recommendations

Last time:

  • How would teams estimate costs?  AWS Calculator lets you put together a set of AWS services, create a link to share estimate.  But you have to know what you are asking for.  X size databases, open search, etc.
    • Yogesh Kumar ask Kitfox to determine standard environment cost, i.e. Bama.  Maybe a price list, where the standard environment uses X resources, has X monthly cost.  Team may need to increase size of DB, so higher proportion of cost. 
    • Or simplify.  Maybe just two "recipes", and what the monthly cost was for those recipes.  "Standard" and "Premium".  Or "Dev" vs "Testing".  Start from there.


Reviewing Environments to Shut Down

D2. Define a process for reviewing existing tools and environments for candidates to be shut down (e.g. when a team leaves the project or the env is no longer needed)

Last time / Prior:

  • Mark Veksler draft guidelines on who should have permissions to what operations in AWS.  What will each team be allowed to do.  Link from ACRG doc.
  • Permissions on operations in AWS?  Right now AWS is just Kitfox, but Jenkins jobs are available to dev teams.
  • Kitfox prefers a self-service model.
  • Yogesh Kumar will update the environment lifecycle document to indicate what dev teams can do.


  • TODO

Off-hours shutdown during weekday evenings

Last time:

  • Kitfox is looking at this.  What would work best for each team?  Ticket pending.
  • We can at least look at the findings, and decide to do something or not.  Harder b/c geographical spread.


One-time estimate?

  • So ACRG has something to base it on in future years.  Estimate and how we made it.
  • Treasurer probably about to ask anyway.
  • Peter Murray think about a process.  Reconstruct from past years, bring to the group.