2021-10-27 Agenda and Meeting notes

2021-10-27 Agenda and Meeting notes


Zoom: https://openlibraryfoundation.zoom.us/j/83970505541?pwd=d01oemRsUEZFMWpISlNLU1lsN0gxQT09

Passcode: folio-lsp


Marcia Borensztajn

Former user (Deleted)

Ian Walls

Angela Zoss (Old)

Emma Raub

Ingolf Kuss

Discussion items


 (1) Catch up on current state

(2) Plans for version controlMarcia, Ian

Marcia: We are working together with Peter Murray on a technical solution for the versioning on the basis of Hugo. I am also looking for someone who will be responsible for the different sections (a tech writer / tech writers).

Ingolf: Right now it is not clear what documentation is for what purpose. The single server installation procedure looks like a production install process, as it stands, but it is not. We should clearly indicate the purpose of each documentation somewhere at the top.

Ingolf: We should make a statement who is the intended audience for the docs. For the installation guides, it makes a difference whether they are intended for newcomers (people who install the system for the first time) or experienced system administrators who use the documentation as a reference guide. 

Ingolf: There are updates on the single server installation guide, on the kubernetes example and on the Vagrant installation . Some are in Juniper, the Vagrant example doesn't seem to refer to a particular FOLIO version. Rest of the documentation is for Iris or Honeysuckle. Don't know how to pull this into the github docs repo, because it doesn't have branches/tags, yet. (I am working with branches in my clone of the repo).

Ingolf: Melissa Belvadi has posted an installation prescription of a FOLIO Vagrant box on Windows. We could put that to the tips&tricks Wiki and link to the docs page. The docs page already has a page "Install FOLIO - Vagrant boxes".

Marcia/Ian: We have to decide here what we want to present. FOLIO Docs shouldn't become a home for all kinds of documentation.

Ian: For example we could present: Test Install (Vagrant) - Debian packages (just as an example)- Production (Kubernetes). We could also present the installation for developers.

Ian presents a concept of versioning on the basis of branches. Advantages: Branches can be worked on in parallel and fixes can be applied to all branches. 

Discussion about using tagging and/or branches.

(3) Installation content

(4) Strategy for moving forward

(5) Identify regular meeting day/time/frequency. 

Future Topics

Action items

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