2023-09-27 Product Owner Meetings


Attendees:  Khalilah Gambrell

Announcements (feel free update Agenda/notes)10 minutes All 
List of topics for future POs meeting15 minutesjulie.bickle 


  • Release management
  • Re-architecting
  • PO training
    • Tips and tricks, e.g.:

      • 5 Whys: Tim

      • How to manage the backlog: Steph

      • Expectations participating in the SIGs - example Circ POs

    • Formal PO professional training:

      • Newsletters?

    • Regular Jira demos - also for the wider community! - in bite-sizes?


  • Where to put this content backlog? As extra lines in the agenda like in the TC?
  • Who wants to start next time?
  • ... may I consolidate the pages of the PO wiki space?
Poppy release readiness discussion 10 minutes Khalilah GambrellÂ