2023-06-07 Product Owner Meetings

2023-06-07 Product Owner Meetings


Attendees:  Khalilah Gambrell 

Announcements  - 


Please post any announcements

PO Topic Option : Brainstorm proposals for sessions at WOLFcon 202315 minutes

Here the short link to the Proposal Form for WOLFcon 2023 sessions: https://forms.gle/hsJa941wvZZn5G9PA 

DennisB: Productivity Tips for POs 

DennisB: POs process review

Patty: POs recruiting session or networking/social event – dinner/lunch

Ann-Marie: Pub crawl? 

Patty: How to convince your institution to allocate PO time?

Steph: Search JIRA and Confluence tips

Anne: Documentation and Metadata  - which was actually about how we can make Jira tickets and Wiki pages more discoverable by using appropriate text and metadata

Owen: Sharing best practices automated test cases and user journeys (need Yogesh?)

Tom: How to make the tests clearer for users.

Ann-Marie: Making testing fun for users and setting up a "realistic environment"

Dennis B: How are you making your requirements testable? 

Anne: Requirements consistency

Khalilah: Peer-review requirements or test cases or assistance OR office hours concept 

Ann-Marie and Steph: Pick a PO topic

Ann-Marie: Best practices for submitting of bugs and enhancements by community members

Charlotte: How does PO make sure of UX consistency across apps, and how to pick up the latest development, and recommendations

Collaboration with SIGs? How? 


  • JIRA and Confluence Search session proposal submitter:  Anne (submit) and Steph (consult/peer-review) - DONE 
  • Productivity Tips for POs (Khalilah - submit) - DONE
  • General POs meeting (Khalilah - submit) - DONE 
  • Best practices for submitting of bugs and enhancements by community members (Ann-Marie submits) 
  • Khalilah: Peer-review requirements or test cases or assistance OR office hours concept 

PO Topic:  Poppy Release extension20 minutes

Generally seen as a good thing 

Release fatigue is real 

Charlotte (in chat) and Julie - Proposed a Wolfcon session to discuss FOLIO release – What do we want it to be 

  • Will work with Tara to submit the session proposal 
  • Charlotte will reach out to the Product Council
  • Khalilah will talk with the RMS Group