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Demo FOLIO - Orders to Inventory by patty.wanninger

Test Rail

Videos from TestRail

  1. https://www.gurock.com/testrail/videos/introduction-projects - length 4:45 min
  2. https://www.gurock.com/testrail/videos/suites-test-cases - length 6:49 min
  3. https://www.gurock.com/testrail/videos/test-runs-results  - length 10:50 min
  4. https://www.gurock.com/testrail/videos/issue-defect-integration - length 4:37 min

BugFest Specific Videos

  1. TestRail: How to claim a test case within test run.
  2. TestRail: How to edit a test case
  3. TestRail: How to add a test case to test run

Claiming Test Cases in Test Rail

1) Test claiming window opens one week before Bug Fest event

2) Only claim what can be realistically completed. We're always trying to finalize work assignments before Bug Fest starts and minimize number of unassigned defects. 

3) Keep community informed if you are falling behind on your commitment during Bug Fest week. Please try to give as early warning as possible. Don't leave claimed but uncompleted test cases behind. Seek help by posting in "bug-fest" Slack channel 

4) Don't take away a test case that has been claimed by someone else. Reach out to the current assignee first if you feel strong about owning this test case.

Test Rail Warning

Problem: While adding test cases to the existing Test Run original test case assignments are being reset.

Solution: The actual issue here is if the full test run was assigned to a user, when it is edited again in the future the assign to field will default to that user being selected in the dropdown, and when saved will re-assign all tests within to that user. The trick to prevent that from occurring would be to make sure that the "assign to" field is not set to that user's name, but instead to the blank entry at the top of the selection. This will keep all assignments set to their current users when the edits are completed and saved.


Jira: How to create a new bug

Jira: How to find Bug Fest dashboard

Standard Bug Write-Up Format

To ensure bugs filed are understandable and testable, please use the following format.

Overview: Optional high-level description of problem

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Log into some FOLIO environment as User X
  2. Click this
  3. Select that
  4. etc.

Expected Results: What I expected to see happen

Actual Results: What actually happened

Additional Information: Anything else I noticed or tested that might be relevant to this issue

Interested Parties: Notify relevant people of this bug by @-mentioning them (type @ then search for their name).

Preformatted template for pasting into Jira

*Steps to Reproduce:*
# Log into some FOLIO environment as User X
# Click this
*Expected Results:* 
*Actual Results:*  
*Additional Information:*  
*Interested parties:* 



Bug Fest Process Introduction (recorded for Q2.1 2019 release)

Q4 2019 Bug Fest overview/instructions meeting    (Skip to 7:40 mark to get to the start of the presentation)

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