Setting the Session Locale via a Bookmarklet

NOTE - this is a draft solution that does not quite work yet


For when Snapshot's language has changed to something other than English, and you want to set the session  locale to "American English", but can't figure out how because you don't speak the language.

  1. Create a bookmark (to anything).
  2. Edit the name to something like "Reset Snapshot to English" and the URL to:

javascript:(function() { let button = document.evaluate("//button[contains(., 'American English')]", document, null, XPathResult.ANY_TYPE, null).iterateNext();; }) ();

You have to be logged in to snapshot (or whatever environment) with permissions to access Settings → Developer.  diku_admin will do it.


  1. Navigate to the Developer Settings > Session Locale  page.  
    1. i.e.
  2. Click the bookmark.