

FOLIO front-end code uses translation keys to fetch actual text in English or any other language.

This allows to change the translations after a module has been installed. The most common use case is to backport the latest translations into a FOLIO installation.

A FOLIO release like Honeysuckle, Iris, etc. ships with the translations that come with each front-end module. Each front-end module has a different release date (Honeysuckle example). This is the time when translations are taken from module's GitHub translations directory and is different for each front-end module. A new front-end module release is needed to get more recent translation included into a FOLIO release.

However, the sysOp of a FOLIO installation may manually update the translations of their installation by exchanging the files in the /translations/ directory from where the static files are shipped.

One option is to take the latest translations from https://folio-snapshot.dev.folio.org/, another option is to take the translation files from https://github.com/gbv/folio-translations.


Option 1: Take the file from https://github.com/gbv/folio-translations platform-complete directory, for example de.json. If your own installation has de-1601343197440.json merge them:
jq -s '.[0] * .[1]' de-1601343197440.json de.json > de-1601343197440.json.new
Then use the joined file: mv de-1601343197440.json.new de-1601343197440.json

Option 2: Use the browser developer tools to find out the current number folio-snapshot uses, for example https://folio-snapshot.dev.folio.org/translations/de-1605513539114.json. Download it. If your own installation has de-1601343197440.json merge them:
jq -s '.[0] * .[1]' de-1601343197440.json de-1605513539114.json > de-1601343197440.json.new
Then use the joined file: mv de-1601343197440.json.new de-1601343197440.json



Clean backport using yarn build

The backport method described above is a hack.

The clean way to use more recent translations is to replace them during the front-end build process.

After running yarn install but before running yarn build copy the new translations into the node_modules/@folio/${application}/translations/ui-${application}/${locale}.json files.

We don't know of anyone that uses this method, no script is available for this yet.

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