Data Import File Extensions Settings

Settings > Data Import > File Extensions allows libraries to configure which file formats are allowed for import and which file formats are blocked and cannot be imported.

If a file has an extension that is NOT in the list as allowed or denied, the file can be uploaded and NOT imported.

When creating a new file extension entry in settings, elements include:

  • Description: Describes the file extension to help you and others identify what it is

  • File extension (Required): Enter the suffix to the name of the file format and include the period, i.e. .jpg, .jpeg, .mrc, .mrk

  • Block Import: Check off the box if you want to block the import for the file extension

  • Data Type(s) (Required when imports are not blocked for a particular file extension): Select the data format type.

    • Currently available formats: MARC, EDIFACT

File extensions will display the following elements in Settings/Data Import/File Extensions:

  • Extension: Displays the suffix with period of the file extension

  • Block Import: Displays "allow" or "blocked" to indicate how file extension was configured for import

  • Data Type(s): Displays the file type selected

  • Updated: Displays the date when the file extension was last modified

  • Updated By: Displays the user who last modified the file extension

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