Poppy list migration script


There was a breaking change between P and Q, where certain fields in queries need to be fixed in order to make the lists editable
This script updates lists to account for this change. It is only needed if lists were created in Poppy that use any of these fields:

  • item_level_call_number_typeid

  • item_effective_call_number_typeid

  • item_effective_library_id

  • item_effective_location_id

  • item_material_type_id

  • item_permanent_location_id

  • item_temporary_location_id

  • item_material_type_id

  • loan_checkin_servicepoint_id

  • loan_checkout_servicepoint_id

  • loan_policy_id

  • user_patron_group_id

These fields have corresponding name fields, which are what users actually see. In Quesnelia, FQM (the system used to provide data for Lists) was updated to handle these fields differently, so that queries use the form e.g., loan_policy_name == 7ed9ce32-7cf8-4d14-9223-d2ac17356529 instead of the old loan_policy_id == 7ed9ce32-7cf8-4d14-9223-d2ac17356529 form. The old form still works in the back-end, but the UI now expects the newer form. The Lists app stores queries as part of its list definitions, so old lists with queries that use those fields can no longer be updated through the Lists UI. This migration script addresses the problem my replacing the “ID” field names with the “name” field names.

Should I run the script?

Consider running the migration script if the following are all true:

  • The FOLIO instance was running Poppy at one point and was updated to Quesnelia or later (ideally, the script is run on Quesnelia before upgrading further. If run on Ramsons or later, this will be handled by the built-in list migration, which is triggered automatically upon upgrading the module)

  • When running Poppy, the Lists app was used

  • Lists were created in Poppy that used any of the above ID fields

  • Recreating those lists manually via the UI is too much of a burden for users (e.g., there are a lot of affected lists or the lists use large/complex queries)


You can use this query to determine if any lists in a tenant are impacted (make sure to set the tenant ID first!).

-- Replace <tenant ID> with the relevant tenant ID here! SET search_path TO '<tenant ID>_mod_lists', public; SELECT * FROM list_details WHERE fql_query ~* '\m(item_level_call_number_typeid|item_effective_call_number_typeid|item_effective_library_id|item_effective_location_id|item_material_type_id|item_permanent_location_id|item_temporary_location_id|item_material_type_id|loan_checkin_servicepoint_id|loan_checkout_servicepoint_id|loan_policy_id|user_patron_group_id)\M'

This query returns the list of lists that were created in Poppy that are broken in future releases; you should save. If it returns any results, then you should consider running the migration script below. If only a few lists are affected, consider asking the owning users to recreate the lists manually. If you decide to use this script to migrate lists,


  • No action is needed by users

  • Fast

  • Simple

  • Uses list versioning for added safety


  • Requires direct DB access and modifying data directly in the DB, which is always at least a little risky

  • The migration script fixes the problem with simple string substitution in JSON, without regard to the syntax of the JSON or semantics of the lists being modified. As a result, it’s possible (albeit very unlikely) that things like list names and descriptions could change (e.g., a list has something like loan_policy_id in its name would end up with loan_policy_name in its name instead)

  • The new form of lists is not backward-compatible with Poppy, so after the migration, you can’t go back easily.

Migration script


  1. Set the tenant ID in the search path, below

  2. Run the script. This should only take a few seconds

For any affected lists, these are the expected results:

  • in the list_details table:

    • the query in the fql_query column should use the "name" field instead of the "ID" field

    • the updated_date column should be set to the current time when you ran the script

    • the version column should be incremented from its previous value

  • in the list_versions table:

    • there should be an old record with the old version of the list, with the old values for the fql_query, updated_date, and version columns

    • there should be a new record for the updated list, with an updated fql_query, updated_date, and version columns

  • No other records should be affected.

Optionally, you can leave off the COMMIT statement at the end, verify that only the impacted lists are affected, and then either COMMIT (if satisfied) or ROLLBACK (if not) when done.

The script

-- Replace <tenant ID> with the relevant tenant ID here! SET search_path TO '<tenant ID>_mod_lists', public; BEGIN TRANSACTION; WITH RECURSIVE mappings(id, name) AS (VALUES ('item_level_call_number_typeid', 'item_level_call_number_type_name'), ('item_effective_call_number_typeid', 'item_effective_call_number_type_name'), ('item_effective_library_id', 'item_effective_library_name'), ('item_effective_location_id', 'item_effective_location_name'), ('item_material_type_id', 'item_material_type'), ('item_permanent_location_id', 'item_permanent_location_name'), ('item_temporary_location_id', 'item_temporary_location_name'), ('item_material_type_id', 'item_material_type'), ('loan_checkin_servicepoint_id', 'loan_checkin_servicepoint_name'), ('loan_checkout_servicepoint_id', 'loan_checkout_servicepoint_name'), ('loan_policy_id', 'loan_policy_name'), ('user_patron_group_id', 'user_patron_group')), -- Create a recursive CTE to apply all mappings update_cte AS (SELECT id, fql_query AS original_fql_query, fql_query AS updated_fql_query, 0 AS iteration FROM list_details WHERE is_deleted = false UNION ALL SELECT uc.id, uc.original_fql_query, regexp_replace(uc.updated_fql_query, '\m' || m.id || '\M', m.name, 'g'), uc.iteration + 1 FROM update_cte uc JOIN mappings m ON uc.updated_fql_query LIKE '%' || m.id || '%' WHERE uc.iteration < (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM mappings)), -- Create another CTE to hold only the actual updated queries final_update AS (SELECT DISTINCT ON (id) id, updated_fql_query FROM update_cte WHERE original_fql_query != updated_fql_query ORDER BY id, iteration DESC) -- Insert updated rows into list_versions INSERT INTO list_versions SELECT gen_random_uuid() AS id, ld.name, ld.description, fu.updated_fql_query AS fql_query, ld.user_friendly_query, ld.fields, ld.updated_by, ld.updated_by_username, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP AS updated_date, ld.is_active, ld.is_private, ld.version + 1, ld.id AS list_id FROM list_details ld JOIN final_update fu ON ld.id = fu.id; -- Copy the updated data from list_versions into list_details UPDATE list_details ld SET fql_query = lv.fql_query, version = lv.version, updated_date = lv.updated_date FROM list_versions lv WHERE ld.id = lv.list_id AND ld.fql_query != lv.fql_query AND lv.version = ld.version + 1; -- ROLLBACK; COMMIT;

What if something goes wrong?

If you get an error related to gen_random_uuid() not being a valid function, then run this, and try again:
SET search_path TO public; CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS "uuid-ossp";

Other issues:

The migration script uses the Lists app’s versioning system to update the lists without losing any data. As a result, if a list got broken in some way, the old version of all updated lists are available in the list_versions table (select fql_query from list_versions where list_id = ‘<list ID>' and version = '<version from list_details - 1>), to put back into the list_details table. If the script fails before the UPDATE statement at the end, then the old version of the list will still be used; you’ll need to delete the new version added to list_versions before you try again.

If you need any assistance, feel free to reach out to the Corsair team (#corsair on Slack) or submit a ticket to the MODLISTS Jira project.