Namespace useful info & tools
Eureka Snapshot rebuild schedule: daily @ 21:45 UTC
EUREKA snapshot has a Blue\Green approach implementation, NS1: snapshot & NS2: snapshot2
On this page you’ll guided how to construct tool links to your environment and access them easily at your need and will. Each Rancher environment is named with name with Developer Team name he\she belongs to.
There 2 types of clusters: 1. Okapi based 2 Eureka based, you may distinguish them via pattern in naming convention: folio-dev is a standard(traditional) Okapi cluster, folio-edev is the Eureka cluster(E(eureka)+dev)) == folio-edev.
Any tool’s link is consisting of https + clusterName + namespace(devTeamName) + toolName + DomainName ( (with hyphens in between parts of link)
In our example, let’s assume, our team is named as Eureka.
By using an example above, let’s construct a link for pgadmin with assuming that we’ve a namespace on folio-edev cluster, result will be:
Additional useful information related to existing environments: List of envs
Name | Tool link | Credentials | Note |
edge(all modules) | edgeKeys(for tenants): diku: eyJzIjoiYmRhd25vM0lwbHdvIiwidCI6ImRpa3UiLCJ1IjoiZGlrdV9hZG1pbiJ9Cg== consortium: eyJzIjoiYmRhd25vM0lwbHdvIiwidCI6ImNvbnNvcnRpdW0iLCJ1Ijoib2FpQ2xpZW50In0K if you need to create own keys please find usernames in config_file #Decrypt edge key
echo eyJzIjoiYmRhd25vM0lwbHdvIiwidCI6ImNvbnNvcnRpdW0iLCJ1Ijoib2FpQ2xpZW50In0K | base64 -d
#Replace any of needed value(s) & encrypt
echo '{"s":"bdawno3Iplwo","t":"consortium","u":"oaiClient123"}' | base64 | Available on all types of envs, list of endpoint could be found on path section for each edge module: pipelines-shared-library/resources/helm/testing.yaml at master · folio-org/pipelines-shared-library ( URL + “/path“, example: | |
pgadmin | DB password: postgres_password_123! pg_admin_username: pg_admin_password: SuperSecret | Available on all types of envs | |
kafka-ui | - | Applicable to built-in Kafka based environments(all dev envs) | |
kubecost | - | Cluster level, financial tool | |
minio | Dynamic, should be taken from in Secrets section | Not available for S3 based envinronments, such as sprint testing | |
kong | - | Applicable to Eureka based environments | |
keycloak | admin\SecretPassword | Applicable to Eureka based environments | |
okapi | for a token generation: super_admin\admin | Publicly accessible endpoint, applicable to Okapi based envs(non-Eureka) | |
UIs | https://{clusterName}-{devTeamName}-{tenantName} | diku_admin\admin consortium_admin\admin | Standard tenants: diku, consortium |
Resource monitoring | admin\SuperSecret |