Register EKS cluster in private endpoint

In terraform eks module there is a parameter that allow us to use private endpoint 

cluster_endpoint_private_access = true

But base on aws documentation for successful register this created cluster we need to make query only in private layer:

  • All traffic to your cluster API server must come from within your cluster's VPC or a connected network.

  • There is no public access to your API server from the internet. Any kubectl commands must come from within the VPC or a connected network. For connectivity options, see Accessing a private only API server.

But usually, we register our cluster in rancher though public network 

For rancher2_cluster (didn't test) there is a map eks_config_v2 where base on documentation there are parameter that influence on layer that we should use to register our cluster.


But when you will modify these parameters be carefully because here was said

Warning: Even a small difference between the current EKS cluster and a user-provided config could have unexpected results.