Fiscal year rollover flows

Fiscal year rollover flows

Preparing FY20 to FY21

  1. Select Ledger on ledger record view.
  2. Go to "Actions" menu and click "Rollover".
  3. Full screen view with rollover setting should appear. 
  4. Fill all necessary parameters.
  5. After putting "Confirm" rollover process is started.

Fiscal year 

New ledger and fiscal year should be created, if it hasn't already been created manually by user.

Budget (Optional)

  1. UI shows budget grouped by "Fund type". There will also need to be an "Unassigned" for all Funds that do not have a Fund type. Then user fill configuration for necessary "Fun type" and new budgets will be created for FY21 for each Fund.
    1. NOTE: If Fund already has a "Planned" budget for FY21 then the system will not need to create one.

    2.  After starting rollover selected active budgets will be blocked for any operations (Status = "Closed") and new budgets for FY21 is created for each selected "Fund type" with status equal to their respective Fund status. (I.e. Fund = inacative then new budget = inactive)

FY21 budgets are created and grouped by Fund Type. FY21 budgets are created for all Funds with the selected Fund Type.


!Important   If we increase amount of encumbrances, then we must update costs information in the corresponding order.(Confirmed by Dennis Bridges on grooming 29.07.2020) Andrei Makaranka It should be possible that there is an encumbrance that remains in the previous fiscal year. Meaning a POL could have an encumbrance in both FY19 and FY20. To accommodate this will we need to do something similar to what was done with Finance app records and add something like a purchaseOrderLineFY. Allowing us to store some historical information about the order for past fiscal years?

!Important   If there are not paid invoices for order, then we must update encumbrance link in invoice on new created.(Confirmed by Dennis Bridges on grooming 29.07.2020) 

Fiscal year rollover example

Note: These tables DO NOT show all order or fund data, they only show data points that are specifically relevant to performing the rollover action.

FY Settings

Fiscal year settingsRestrict EncumbrancesRestrict Expenditures

Note: in the mockup these are written "Do not restrict..." they should align with the BE. Ie. they should be labeled "Restrict encumbrances" and "Restrict expenditures". If these DO NOT equal true the system does not need to check that there is enough money in a budget before creating transactions. (ie. user can open any order and approve any invoice against any budget on that ledger even when money check fails)

Fund settingsRollover allocationAdjust allocationRollover availableAdd available toAllowed encumbranceAllowed expenditure

Rollover SettingRolloverBased onIncrease by


Ongoing subscritptionTrueExpended10%

FY2020 - End

DescriptionFund/BudgetTypeAllocationUnavailableAvailableAllowed encumbranceAllowed expenditureFund StatusBudget Status
Unassigned typeHISTUnassigned60600100%100%ActiveActive
New budget will be activeLATINBooks706010100%100%ActiveInactive
Roll and increase allocation by %LAWBooks80800100%100%ActiveActive
Restrictions changing and rolling available as availableSCIENCESerials1101204000ActiveActive
Roll and increase allocation by availableGIFTGifts14012020100%100%ActiveActive
DescriptionPurchase orderorder typesubscriptioncost amountencumbrance amountexpended amountWorkflow stateRe-encumberFund Code
Encumber Remaining10000One-timeN/A$10$10$6OpenTrueLAW
Expended is higher10001OngoingFalse$20$20$22OpenTrueLAW, HIST
Expended is lower10002OngoingTrue$30$30$25OpenTrueLAW
Order closed10003OngoingTrue$40$40$40ClosedTrueGIFT
No Fund distribution10004OngoingTrue$35$0$34OpenTrue-
No re-encumber10005OngoingTrue$20$20$20OpenFalseGIFT

FY2021 - Start

DescriptionFund/BudgetTypeAllocationUnavailableAvailableAllowed encumbranceAllowed expenditureFund StatusBudget Status
Unassigned typeHISTUnassigned0$0$0100%100%ActiveActive
New budget will be activeLATINBooks77(70*1.1)$0$77100%100%ActiveActive
Roll and increase allocation by %LAWBooks88(80*1.1)$42.50$45.50100%100%ActiveActive
Restrictions changing and rolling available as availableSCIENCESerials110$0$150(110+40)100%100%ActiveActive
Roll and increase allocation by availableGIFTGifts160(140+20)$0$160110%100%ActiveActive
DescriptionPurchase orderorder typesubscriptioncost amountencumbrance amountexpended amountWorkflow stateRe-encumberFund CodeError
Encumber Remaining10000One-timeN/A$10$4$0OpenTrueLAW
Expended is higher10001OngoingFalse$20$0(22)$0OpenTrueLAW, HISTCould not encumber against history Fund $22
Expended is lower10002OngoingTrue$27.50$27.50$0OpenTrueLAW
Order closed10003OngoingTrue$40$0$0ClosedTrueGIFT
No Fund distribution10004OngoingTrue$35$0$0OpenTrue-
No re-encumber10005OngoingTrue$20$0$0OpenFalseGIFT

Error log

Note: In this example, because restrictions are ON for this ledger the desired amount for this order could not be encumbered against one of the Funds. In this case NO encumbrance should be made and the order should be flagged with a rollover error. After rollover the user will either need to change restriction, add money to the budget OR change the fund distributions for the order. 

Purchase orderorder typecost amountencumbrance amountWorkflow stateRe-encumberFund CodeError message
10001Ongoing$20$0(22)OpenTrueLAW, HISTCould not encumber $11 against HIST - Insufficient funds
Fund CodeTypeAllocationAvailableAllowed encumbranceAllowed expenditureBudget StatusError message

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