- Procedural Capability Set - Manual Request AnonymizationCIRC-2321
- Settings Capability Sets - Automatic Request AnonymizationCIRC-2320
- [SPIKE] [Snapshot environments] "Location" and "Loan type" fields are empty on "Select item" modal during request creationCIRC-2318
- [SPIKE] [ECS Eureka snapshot] Item\title information is missing in search and pick slips for TLRCIRC-2317
- Release mod-circulation v24.4.1CIRC-2316Resolved issue: CIRC-2316Roman Barannyk
- BE | Add new token for Request type for Staff slipsCIRC-2315Niels Erik Nielsen
- [SPIKE] [ECS R Bugfest] Requests export to CSV does not work for Hold TLRCIRC-2314
- DRAFT: BE | Support business logic for reading room / in-house circulation loan. Extend check-out-by-barcode and check-in-by-barcode to accommodate Reading room / In-house circulation loanCIRC-2313Niels Erik Nielsen
- Release mod-circulation v24.3.14CIRC-2311Resolved issue: CIRC-2311Roman Barannyk
- Error popup appears on Patron notice template details openingCIRC-2310
- BE | Add new requests status "Open - checked out to patron"CIRC-2309Niels Erik Nielsen
- BE | Extend check-out-by-barcode and check-in-by-barcode to accommodate Reading room circulation requestsCIRC-2308Niels Erik Nielsen
- [ECS Eureka snapshot] Item\title information is missing in search and pick slips for TLRCIRC-2307
- BE | Update the Requests policy page to allow for Reading room circulationCIRC-2304Niels Erik Nielsen
- BE | Extend the requests object to allow for Reading room circulation requestsCIRC-2303Niels Erik Nielsen
- BE | Add settings page for Request type tokensCIRC-2301
- "Something went wrong" error appears on request creation pageCIRC-2299Resolved issue: CIRC-2299
- [ECS Snapshot] Requests export to CSV does not workCIRC-2306
- Fix platform build issuesCIRC-2297Resolved issue: CIRC-2297Oleksandr Vidinieiev
- [Snapshot environments] "Location" and "Loan type" fields are empty on "Select item" modal during request creationCIRC-2294
- [FOLIO environments - ECS Eureka] Issue with Locate requesting workflow- item with no barcodeCIRC-2291
- Module Descriptor missing permission /circulation/loans/{id} [GET]CIRC-2290
- Automated Request AnonymizationCIRC-2289
- JNI error: Invalid signature file digest for Manifest main attributesCIRC-2288Resolved issue: CIRC-2288Julian Ladisch
- Update mod-pubsub client to the latest release versionCIRC-2287Resolved issue: CIRC-2287Alexander Kurash
- Release module for Sunflower R1 2025CIRC-2285Resolved issue: CIRC-2285Oleksandr Vidinieiev
- "Something went wrong" error appears on request creation pageCIRC-2286Resolved issue: CIRC-2286
- Release mod-circulation v24.3.12CIRC-2284Resolved issue: CIRC-2284Roman Barannyk
- Fix "Duplicate key x-okapi-request-id" errorCIRC-2282Resolved issue: CIRC-2282Oleksandr Vidinieiev
- [ECS Snapshot ] - Additional duplicated pick slips for TLRs are present in .pdf with pick slipsCIRC-2281Resolved issue: CIRC-2281
- Release R CSP #1 fix CIRC-2265CIRC-2280Resolved issue: CIRC-2280Gurleen Kaur1
- Allow HTTP Connection Pool to be ConfigurableCIRC-2279Resolved issue: CIRC-2279Roman Barannyk
- Improve Logs To Show End of RequestsCIRC-2278
- Request Anonymization - AnonymizationCIRC-2292
- Reduce/Remove Ineffective Log LinesCIRC-2277
- [ECS Eureka Snapshot environment] | "Request expiration date" field does not display expiration date on request creationCIRC-2283
- `materialType`, `dueDate` fields omitted for reminder fees in response to `/accounts`CIRC-2275Resolved issue: CIRC-2275Niels Erik Nielsen
- Avoid publishing sensitive information in mod-circulation domain events from Secure tenantCIRC-2274
- Extending the loan representation with 7 new token required for Due date receiptCIRC-2273Resolved issue: CIRC-2273Niels Erik Nielsen
- Add the 7 new tokens to the Item Object in the Staff Slip context, for hold, request delivery and transit slips generated in the Check in appCIRC-2272Resolved issue: CIRC-2272Niels Erik Nielsen
- [Bad Request] Missing parameter X-Okapi-Permissions in HEADER for /circulation/check-out-by-barcode (eureka snapshot)CIRC-2271
- [Bad Request] Missing parameter X-Okapi-Permissions in HEADER for /circulation/renew-by-barcode (eureka snapshot)CIRC-2270
- CIRC-2269: [ECS TLR] Send request create notification when the patron is resolvedCIRC-2269Resolved issue: CIRC-2269Irina Pokhylets
- Force loan policy during check outCIRC-2267Resolved issue: CIRC-2267Magzhan Artykov
- Create check out dry run endpointCIRC-2266Resolved issue: CIRC-2266Roman Barannyk
- Ramsons - Requests - #Copies not incrementing with all print actions (back-end)CIRC-2265Resolved issue: CIRC-2265Irina Pokhylets
- Create API for safe policy deletionCIRC-2264
- Update to mod-circulation Java 21CIRC-2293Resolved issue: CIRC-2293Gurleen Kaur1
- Circulation Log is not providing a full count of results for a range of datesCIRC-2296Antony Hruschev
- Release UXPROD-5090 to RamsonsCIRC-2261Resolved issue: CIRC-2261
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