Amelia Sutton
Amelia SuttonPriority
Development Team
TestRail: Cases
Open TestRail: Cases
TestRail: Runs
Open TestRail: Runs
Created March 6, 2025 at 3:47 PM
Updated March 12, 2025 at 5:09 PM
To create a mechanism to anonymize closed requests. This should apply both when manually anonymizing requests and when requests are configured to be anonymized automatically.
Scenario 1:
Given a request exists with one of the following statuses:
Closed - Filled
Closed - Cancelled
Closed - Pickup expired
Closed - Unfilled
When a user or the automated process attempts to anonymize the request
Then the requesterId, requester.lastName and requester.barcode fields are removed from the request record
And the userBarcode is set to "-" on all circulation log entries which include the request's UUID in the linkToIds.requestId field
And a circulation log entry is created with
userBarcode : “-”
items fields for the item associated with the request
object : “Request”
action : “Anonymize
appropriate date, source, servicePointId and linkToIds.requestId values
Scenario 2:
Given a request exists with one of the following statuses:
Open - Awaiting delivery
Open - Awaiting pickup
Open - In transit
Open - Not yet filled
When a user or the automated process attempts to anonymize the request
Then the request is not anonymized, no changes are made to the record