- Procedural Capability Set - Manual Request AnonymizationCIRC-2321
- Settings Capability Sets - Automatic Request AnonymizationCIRC-2320
- [SPIKE] [Snapshot environments] "Location" and "Loan type" fields are empty on "Select item" modal during request creationCIRC-2318
- [SPIKE] [ECS Eureka snapshot] Item\title information is missing in search and pick slips for TLRCIRC-2317
- Release mod-circulation v24.4.1CIRC-2316Resolved issue: CIRC-2316Roman Barannyk
- BE | Add new token for Request type for Staff slipsCIRC-2315Niels Erik Nielsen
- [SPIKE] [ECS R Bugfest] Requests export to CSV does not work for Hold TLRCIRC-2314
- DRAFT: BE | Support business logic for reading room / in-house circulation loan. Extend check-out-by-barcode and check-in-by-barcode to accommodate Reading room / In-house circulation loanCIRC-2313Niels Erik Nielsen
- Release mod-circulation v24.3.14CIRC-2311Resolved issue: CIRC-2311Roman Barannyk
- Error popup appears on Patron notice template details openingCIRC-2310Polina Ustimenko
- BE | Add new requests status "Open - checked out to patron"CIRC-2309Niels Erik Nielsen
- BE | Extend check-out-by-barcode and check-in-by-barcode to accommodate Reading room circulation requestsCIRC-2308Niels Erik Nielsen
- [ECS Eureka snapshot] Item\title information is missing in search and pick slips for TLRCIRC-2307
- BE | Update the Requests policy page to allow for Reading room circulationCIRC-2304Niels Erik Nielsen
- BE | Extend the requests object to allow for Reading room circulation requestsCIRC-2303Niels Erik Nielsen
- BE | Add settings page for Request type tokensCIRC-2301
- "Something went wrong" error appears on request creation pageCIRC-2299Resolved issue: CIRC-2299
- [ECS Snapshot] Requests export to CSV does not workCIRC-2306
- Fix platform build issuesCIRC-2297Resolved issue: CIRC-2297Oleksandr Vidinieiev
- [Snapshot environments] "Location" and "Loan type" fields are empty on "Select item" modal during request creationCIRC-2294
- [FOLIO environments - ECS Eureka] Issue with Locate requesting workflow- item with no barcodeCIRC-2291
- Module Descriptor missing permission /circulation/loans/{id} [GET]CIRC-2290
- Automated Request AnonymizationCIRC-2289
- JNI error: Invalid signature file digest for Manifest main attributesCIRC-2288Resolved issue: CIRC-2288Julian Ladisch
- Update mod-pubsub client to the latest release versionCIRC-2287Resolved issue: CIRC-2287Alexander Kurash
- Release module for Sunflower R1 2025CIRC-2285Resolved issue: CIRC-2285Oleksandr Vidinieiev
- "Something went wrong" error appears on request creation pageCIRC-2286Resolved issue: CIRC-2286
- Release mod-circulation v24.3.12CIRC-2284Resolved issue: CIRC-2284Roman Barannyk
- Fix "Duplicate key x-okapi-request-id" errorCIRC-2282Resolved issue: CIRC-2282Oleksandr Vidinieiev
- [ECS Snapshot ] - Additional duplicated pick slips for TLRs are present in .pdf with pick slipsCIRC-2281Resolved issue: CIRC-2281
- Release R CSP #1 fix CIRC-2265CIRC-2280Resolved issue: CIRC-2280Gurleen Kaur1
- Allow HTTP Connection Pool to be ConfigurableCIRC-2279Resolved issue: CIRC-2279Roman Barannyk
- Improve Logs To Show End of RequestsCIRC-2278
- Request Anonymization - AnonymizationCIRC-2292
- Reduce/Remove Ineffective Log LinesCIRC-2277
- [ECS Eureka Snapshot environment] | "Request expiration date" field does not display expiration date on request creationCIRC-2283
- `materialType`, `dueDate` fields omitted for reminder fees in response to `/accounts`CIRC-2275Resolved issue: CIRC-2275Niels Erik Nielsen
- Avoid publishing sensitive information in mod-circulation domain events from Secure tenantCIRC-2274
- Extending the loan representation with 7 new token required for Due date receiptCIRC-2273Resolved issue: CIRC-2273Niels Erik Nielsen
- Add the 7 new tokens to the Item Object in the Staff Slip context, for hold, request delivery and transit slips generated in the Check in appCIRC-2272Resolved issue: CIRC-2272Niels Erik Nielsen
- [Bad Request] Missing parameter X-Okapi-Permissions in HEADER for /circulation/check-out-by-barcode (eureka snapshot)CIRC-2271
- [Bad Request] Missing parameter X-Okapi-Permissions in HEADER for /circulation/renew-by-barcode (eureka snapshot)CIRC-2270
- CIRC-2269: [ECS TLR] Send request create notification when the patron is resolvedCIRC-2269Resolved issue: CIRC-2269Irina Pokhylets
- Force loan policy during check outCIRC-2267Resolved issue: CIRC-2267Magzhan Artykov
- Create check out dry run endpointCIRC-2266Resolved issue: CIRC-2266Roman Barannyk
- Ramsons - Requests - #Copies not incrementing with all print actions (back-end)CIRC-2265Resolved issue: CIRC-2265Irina Pokhylets
- Create API for safe policy deletionCIRC-2264
- Update to mod-circulation Java 21CIRC-2293Resolved issue: CIRC-2293Gurleen Kaur1
- Circulation Log is not providing a full count of results for a range of datesCIRC-2296Antony Hruschev
- Release UXPROD-5090 to RamsonsCIRC-2261Resolved issue: CIRC-2261
50 of
Browse: focus wasn't switched to the first result, after clicking "Next" from the first page
Potential Workaround
hideTestRail: Results
Dmytro Melnyshyn
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Dmytro Melnyshyn
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Poppy (R2 2023)
Affected releases
Orchid (R1 2023)
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Open TestRail: Runs
Created May 5, 2023 at 12:41 PM
Updated October 3, 2023 at 3:17 PM
Resolved May 16, 2023 at 12:08 PM
Yauhen Viazau May 11, 2023 at 3:57 PM
Tested in UIPFAUTH-51
Overview: In Search for marc authority plug-in (Browse only): focus doesn't switch to the first record, after clicking on the "Next" pagination button from the first page with results (when "Previous" button is disabled).
This issue doesn't reproduce when user switches between pages not from the first browse page.
Steps to Reproduce:
Log into Orchid environment as User with the following permissions:
Inventory: All permissions
MARC Authority: View MARC authority record
quickMARC: View, edit MARC authorities record
quickMARC: View, edit MARC bibliographic record
quickMARC: Can Link/unlink authority records to bib records
Opened the "MARC Authority plug-in" by clicking on the "Link to MARC Authority record" icon at the editing window of "MARC Bibliographic" record.
Selected "Browse" toggle
Select any browse option from dropdown list
Cancel the applied "Authority source" facet by clicking on the "X" icon next to the "Authority source" accordion button.
Fill in the input field placed at the "Search & filter" pane with the search query, which will return first record from the list (for example: "1", the "Previous" button should be disabled in the result list)
Click on the "Search" button
Scroll down to the end of the result list
Click "Next" pagination button
Expected Results:
Another page with records is being displayed on the result list.
The focus was switched to the first record of the result list.
Actual Results: Next page with records is being displayed on the result list, but focus switched to the random list record.
Additional Information:
Interested parties: