- Error when attempting to delete a patron blockUIU-1431Resolved issue: UIU-1431Michal Kuklis
- Changes made to patron blocks are not being saved fullyUIU-1430Resolved issue: UIU-1430Michal Kuklis
- Users: Unable to send password reset emailUIU-1429Resolved issue: UIU-1429patty.wanninger
- Record last updated and created info missing from manual patron blockUIU-1420Resolved issue: UIU-1420Michal Kuklis
- Cannot X out of manual patron block edit pageUIU-1419Resolved issue: UIU-1419
- Patron block for one patron is showing up for anotherUIU-1418Resolved issue: UIU-1418
- FOLIO is getting into "loop"--must click Users app twice to get out of itUIU-1412Resolved issue: UIU-1412Michal Kuklis
- New fee/fine page is not clearing old item data when it opensUIU-1410Resolved issue: UIU-1410Michal Kuklis
- "Error modal" does not un-checkmark entries when you click on themUIU-1408Resolved issue: UIU-1408John Coburn
- FF History does not checkmark all rows when top box checkedUIU-1407Resolved issue: UIU-1407John Coburn
- edit-block query does not contain a where clauseUIU-1397Resolved issue: UIU-1397Michal Kuklis
- Cannot close "block" windowUIU-1393Resolved issue: UIU-1393Michal Kuklis
- Create user defaults wrong (Status = inactive, Preferred contact = Select contact type)UIU-1385Resolved issue: UIU-1385Matt Connolly
- Link from Users to Requests Doesn't Work When User Barcode Has Been ChangedUIU-1370Resolved issue: UIU-1370Michal Kuklis
- Users that are deleted or deactivated can stay logged in in folio until their token expires (=for a VERY long time)UIU-1324Resolved issue: UIU-1324
- Lost item fee policy: Words "late" and "Set cost" missing on entry of new policyUIU-1315Resolved issue: UIU-1315Arturo Rendón Cruz
- Chalmers: Overdue loans report containing loans that aren't overdueUIU-1287Resolved issue: UIU-1287
- CRUD Fee/Fine Lost Item Fee PoliciesUIU-1156Resolved issue: UIU-1156lluvia Manilla
- Error reordering queue when I don't have Requests: Reorder queue optionUIREQ-389Resolved issue: UIREQ-389Michal Kuklis
- Creating request as user other than diku_admin results in "page requests not allowed..." message and then creates anywayUIREQ-387Resolved issue: UIREQ-387
- Attempting to duplicate request as user appears to fail, creates a request with no position and then breaks duplication for diku_adminUIREQ-386Resolved issue: UIREQ-386
- Wrong menus showing when duplicating request when not logged in as diku_adminUIREQ-385Resolved issue: UIREQ-385Владислав Велицкий
- Wrong delivery address selected when preference = hold shelf and then changedUIREQ-380Resolved issue: UIREQ-380Владислав Велицкий
- Strange behavior when editing request for item with no barcodeUIREQ-377Resolved issue: UIREQ-377Cate Boerema
- Unexpected "Request can not be moved above page request" error on move requestUIREQ-376Resolved issue: UIREQ-376Michal Kuklis
- Test: Make sure delivery requests work with the Move requests featureUIREQ-375Resolved issue: UIREQ-375Cate Boerema
- Disallow editing Fulfillment preference when Request is in Open - Awaiting delivery or Open - Awaiting pickupUIREQ-369Resolved issue: UIREQ-369Cate Boerema
- Display cancellation reason on cancelled requestUIREQ-364Resolved issue: UIREQ-364Michal Kuklis
- Update request whitelist to handle new "Awaiting delivery" statusUIREQ-359Resolved issue: UIREQ-359Cate Boerema
- Don't Set Hold Shelf Expiration Date for Delivery RequestsUIREQ-355Resolved issue: UIREQ-355Cate Boerema
- When Moving Request from One Item to Another, Put at End of QueueUIREQ-334Resolved issue: UIREQ-334Michal Kuklis
- Plugin crashes on list generation when it is used on different pagesUIPFIMP-6Resolved issue: UIPFIMP-6Taras Tkachenko
- Duplicate items sometimes created when receiving piecesUIPCITEM-4Resolved issue: UIPCITEM-4Dennis Bridges
- Organizations view pane: Update contact information layoutUIORGS-125Resolved issue: UIORGS-125Dennis Bridges
- Update contact people edit form layoutUIORGS-124Resolved issue: UIORGS-124Dennis Bridges
- Update contact people viewUIORGS-123Resolved issue: UIORGS-123Dennis Bridges
- Organization view pane: Update contact people viewUIORGS-122Resolved issue: UIORGS-122Dennis Bridges
- "Check-in error" when using "Check-in" in "Add piece" modalUIOR-485Resolved issue: UIOR-485Dennis Bridges
- Users is requested with MAX_INT limit which requests all usersUIOR-470Resolved issue: UIOR-470Dennis Bridges
- No receiving accessUIOR-467Resolved issue: UIOR-467
- Calculation of estimated price in cost details sometimes blocks POLs from being created/savedUIOR-464Resolved issue: UIOR-464Dennis Bridges
- Cannot fill in any of the cost detail fields in Order TemplatesUIOR-462Resolved issue: UIOR-462Ann-Marie Breaux
- Can not create pre-set adjustmentsUINV-96Resolved issue: UINV-96Dennis Bridges
- Not able to create invoice lines with $0 subtotalUINV-94Resolved issue: UINV-94Dennis Bridges
- Address lookup not working in InvoicesUINV-93Resolved issue: UINV-93Ann-Marie Breaux
- Can't filter by Effective location in BugfestUIIN-928Resolved issue: UIIN-928
- Unmock the backend once the MODINV/MODINVSTOR work is completedUIIN-752Resolved issue: UIIN-752Mariia Aloshyna
- Display effective call number string at the top of the item recordUIIN-750Resolved issue: UIIN-750Michal Kuklis
- Displaying multiple current budgets at onceUIF-154Resolved issue: UIF-154Dennis Bridges
- platform-complete webpack build failure with data-import 1.7.0UIDATIMP-339Resolved issue: UIDATIMP-339John Malconian
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