2023-12-14 Metadata Management Meeting notes



Note taker: Laura Daniels, Lynne Fors, Alissa Hafele, Natascha Owens

Recordings of meetings can be found in the Metadata_Management_SIG > Recordings folder on AWS from 2022 onwards: https://recordings.openlibraryfoundation.org/folio/metadata-management-sig/

Discussion items


Meetings for December 21, 28, and January 4 are cancelled. Our next meeting will be January 11.

Sara Colglazier: Acquisitions Sig plug for a working group to be formed next year (with Owen Stephens–working on Serial prediction pattern)–Friday mornings every two weeks 9am EST – need people from all different areas to decide where info from Receiving Piece should go into the Item.  People working with items (esp. serials) should try to come to these meetings.  Will have a major impact not only on receiving serials but also on items and how info gets pushed out to various discovery layers. 

Jennifer Eustis: Bulk Edit and List App has joined forces (BELA).  If you are interested in that functionality – meetings usually alternate between Bulk Edit functionality and List App functionality. On Slack: #bela-bulk-edits-list-app-working-group; Bulk Edits and Lists Apps Home - BELA

UXPROD-4303: Set instance/bib record for deletionRyan Taylor 

Product Owner for Data Import.  Feature that FOLIJET will take on that is planned for Q-release.  Applying a platform-wide solution to allow users to set for deletion FOLIO instances and corresponding SRS MARC bib record.  Review based on comments from Data Import subgroup–pushing instances suppression updates to associate holdings and imports will be looked at in the future.  Spitfire will be assisting with two stories in support of this feature.  Reach out to Ryan with additional questions/concerns.

Questions: In QuickMARC we can't change the LDR 005 if we accidentally mark a record for deletion.  Answer: Goal is to make sure this can all be manually addressed so records don't need to be reimported.

Updates: Advanced search modal and call number browse by typeChristine Schultz-Richert 

Cataloging & Search PO Poppy Updates:

  • Slide 25: Call number browse by type
  • Slide 26: Inventory advanced search modal

Currently, a contributor search will get hits for records with contributor as subject. Demo of advanced search in Inventory - ex. search for whitman, walt as contributor (not where he is a subject); can also then sort by relevance.  

Next ex. I want abstracts about biochemistry as well as chemistry in general.  Currently can't do a keyword search for all of these terms to yield any results.  In advanced search abstracts biochemistry "contains all" in Title (all) OR abstracts chemistry contains all title(all) AND Congress "contains all" in Contributer. Sort by Relevance. 

Next ex.  I want material on business research.  Keyword search, then sort by relevance.

Question: In advanced search, can we use start with if we select keyword (title, et.) This didn't seem to work for Magda Gad during bugfest. Answer: Yes, it appears to be working now.  But if we find examples that don't work we should refer them to Christine.

Call number browse by type.  Ex. Search for items on political ethic by Dewey call number starting with 172.  Next ex: looking for a call number that I have entered as a Local call number

Comment from chat: I would want the search box to retain my query and not wipe it out if I switch indexes from the dropdown.

Question: Not related to advanced search--The use case "find books from a given contributor" is interesting. Does anyone would benefit from having a search option for contributor type, e.g. contributor type eq. author? From chat: Yes, especially for other types of contributors such as (composers, illustrators, etc.)

Question: Will Advanced Search be enhanced to include search groups? Like nested searches.  Answer: That is definitely something that is on the radar and other's have requested that as well. 

Question: How does advanced search currently decide order of operation? Right now it is just top to bottom, no way to nest the order of operations.

Comment: Nested searches or more advanced searches, perhaps Advanced Search can also allow for a Query line or the ability to manually edit the query line.

Comment: When you do an advanced search you will often have a very long query line, and the field is very narrow–perhaps the field can be extended to fit the query (auto resize). 

Question: Are you coordinating this work with the Lists App in terms of if there is search functionality that we might not need in both locations (like perhaps nesting is only needed in Lists App and not in Inventory Advanced Search) Answer: As we move forward we will start coordinating more in order to avoid duplicating work.  

Question: Will there be a keyboard shortcut to open the advanced search modal? Answer: there isn't today and we don't have that on our roadmap.  

Question: And a keyboard shortcut to execute the search?  Answer: If you hit enter it does perform the search.

Currently there is no planned work to combine different record types (Instance/Holdings/Items).

Comment from chat: Searching across all record types is a greatly needed functionality for my library

Charlotte: Recent discussion about bundling Apps and pending re-architecture.  When it comes to search, Inventory should be able to search within its own three record types and not have to go to List App (considering List App might wind up in a separate "bundle" of apps after the re-architecture).  

Sara: Is Advance Search getting rid of the Query Search?  Answer: Query search is still an option.

Ping Christine on chat with any questions, comments, concerns.

PC update

2023-12-14 Product Council Agenda and Meeting Notes

Announcements: Last meeting in 2023, and the PC will reconvene on the 1/11/2024. 1/18/2024 will be a Tri-Council meeting. Bulk Edit (PO: Magda), and List app (PO: Kathleen) is now a joint working group called BELA, and this group i loosely coupled to the MM-SIG right now. The PC did talk about if this WG could also be under the Cross App SIG, or the Workflow SIG.

SIG convener updates: See the Report 

Cross SIG updates as a round-robins centered around following discussion questions:

  • What's one thing that happened within your SIG that is a particular accomplishment that you want to share with others? 
    • Acquisition SIG: Q & A on Slack work smoothly
    • Reporting SIG: New releases of Metdadb is now out. In Poppy a lot of new work on query builder will be available
    • ERM SIG: The regular sprint updates from Owen
    • RA-SIG: Review of the GAPs list is done in work sessions on three topics, in break out groups. During the meeting working on updating the Jira tickets to make them development ready
    • Documentation SIG: Katharina Jung has taken over the responsibility to convene the group of documentation. The documentation writers are very eager to update, and text is ready to publish when the new release gets out.
    • Discovery Sub-SIG (under the SysOps). Established October 2022. Did a survey in November 2023, and is now working on analysing and evaluation of the feedback. VuFind is represented in the group, but the Discovery SIG would like if EDS and BlackLight were represented too. 
  • What's something that you are wondering about in relation to FOLIO development?
    • MM-SIG: All these little things, we need to have fixed. Adding these changes into Jira, but it's uncertain when the work will be done/prioritized.
    • User Management SIG: Have tried a couple of times, to have a more free form discussion. And very often it is issues where back end and UI is not in sync. 
    • Reporting SIG: Data/schema changes, impact the Reporting reports. This is common, but require a Change management strategy. E.g. deprecation of the donnor data property. 
    • Acquisition: To get critical issues rolled out as a CSP, then a CSP form needs to be filled, and then decided by Release Management Stakeholders Group vote on the issues.
  • What's something that you expect to be working on in the next quarter?
    • PC will be scheduling quarterly meetings being more Asian friendly meeting times. In general be more inclusive
    • SysOps: Will discuss the support circle - necessary to support both PostgresSQL 12 and PostgresSQL 16
    • App Interaction SIG: Filing Jira tickets for all issues being discussed. Will next year find a better way to get a closer collaboration with the POs.
    • Acquisition SIG: Has a long list of enhancements on the backlog. Will review the list, and update where necessary.
  • PC is talking about having more time-inclusive meetings so that FOLIO community members from other parts of the world can have the opportunity to  join various SIG meetings.  More information on this is forthcoming.
