2024-03-20 Meeting notes


Mar 20, 2024


  • @Maura Byrne

  • @Amelia Sutton

  • @Erin Weller

  • @Kimie Kester

  • @Björn Muschall

  • @Jamie Jesanis

  • @Karen White


  • Question related to UXPROD-4723 - Has anyone’s institution ever used a system that printed library cards from a web-based application?

  • WOLF Con asks for session requests by March 31. Do we have any desired sessions?

  • Updates to the Pronoun Field feature.

    • Featuring mockups from Kimie.

  • Updates on Custom Fields features

    • Featuring mockups from Kimie

    • We need to discuss UI cleanup.


 Discussion topics









5 min


Maura, Amelia

10 min

Web-based app for printing library cards


  • There is work being done on a new Folio app, called “Reading Room.” This question has to do with “Reader Registration,” a part of this app.

  • None present used a web-based app to make library cards for users.

    • Two libraries used pre-made cards to give to users; neither had the ability to add photos to the cards, though it was desired.

    • Chicago uses an outdated system that isn’t web-based, and are working on migrating to a different system. The head of that department was willing to talk to people interested in printing library cards. Maura passed that information to Amelia.

20 min

WOLF Con sessions


  • Workshop on how various libraries manage permissions (entry-level).

    • User Management Work Group

    • How we created permission sets

    • How we manage user accounts/permissions with Google Sheets

    • Best practices for permission management/user management

  • Demos - How do people use the Users APIs

    • Amelia’s UAT script for record count comparisons

    • Maura - Permissions APIs

  • Intro to User Management/Users Help Session

    • General overview of how User Management is done in FOLIO

    • Sharing workarounds

    • Troubleshooting time

25 min

Updates on Pronoun Field and Custom Fields.


  • Pronouns are being developed as their own field, not as one of many custom fields. This allows us to apply logic to the field

    • The pronouns, e.g. “(he/him)” appear after the user’s name at the top of the record if the field is filled in.

    • The pronouns will not appear, and neither will unfilled parentheses, if the field has no values in it.

    • The pronouns field is free-text. The alternative is to create a configurable list in Settings, which would create a great deal of development. Those present heavily favored keeping the field a free-text field.

  • Custom Fields

    • Many libraries put custom fields in the Extended Information accordion in the User record. Much work is being put into cleaning up the look of the Extended Information section.

      • Request Preferences - click yes on “Delivery,” a new set of fields appear and the username gets pushed down the screen. They’re working on streamlining the appearance of that part, making it a line across the window instead of side-by-side blocks.

      • Department - a user can have a department added to their record using a drop-down menu. The user can also have a second department added. However, only the first is retained after saving it. They’re working on changing the mechanism for adding departments using a multi-select field.

      • Patron Block section has a button that says “Create Block.” Fees and Fines section has a button that says “Create fee/fine.” Notes section has a button that says “New.” They are changing all to “New” + block, fee/fine, or note.

        • Also, the labels under the Actions button will have “New” block, fee/fine, or note in the order these sections appear in the user record.

  • Those present were in favor of these changes.

  • Both features are scheduled for the Sunflower release.

 Action items
