Performance and Longevity Testing update. From last meeting:
How can we break this problem up?
- Environment - Core Platform
- Defining the test scenarios (which tests, how many of each, what data is needed, how big a dataset, etc.) ← Likely community product owner-type
- Building the tests themselves - Core Functional ( ? )... some teams have created sets of Jmeter tests - these may be useful too. Would be helpful to leverage all teams to build these tests
- Collect and/or create data to be used - Mike and Tod to query Sys-Ops, potentially need to augment and/or curate additional data. Harry K might have a standard set of users
- Identifying which tools can be used to profile the application so that we can assess the results
- Mike Gorrellto speak to Jakub Skoczenabout creating tickets for this
- Tod Olson has collected some scenarios from the community. Will share with Mike Gorrell
- Siska offered that Chalmers could share their Circ and Acq scenarios,
- There was a request to also exercise mod-user-import, add/update 80,000 users,
- No other specific scenarios were offered.
- Additionally, Chicago would be able to draft some concrete scenarios.
- No update
- Tod Olson is investigating what data sets U-Chicago and others might be able to contribute.
- Mike Gorrell will have a set of tools for review/discussion by October 16th meeting.