Discuss the Codex document and feedback from the TC and community (summary documented before the meeting as an aide to the discussion) Notes: - Laura & Christie request/suggest RM Sig review these docs.
- Discussion around Codex vs Inventory (Instance)
- UI-Inventory conflates managing "Inventory" and managing Holdings and Items. The APIs are already separated.
- Vince points out that Codex is a broker in that it knows enough about each of the different sets of data it represents. Whereas a "Universal model" that satisfies everyone's needs.
- Laura feels the instances model is already lean/striped down - not bloated - many fields not required.
- Tod's suggested that FOLIO search service could perhaps provide services to many modules; maybe the search portion of Inventory could be decoupled and extended to serve searching in other contexts.
- Recently completed interaction between Acquisitions and Inventory referencing identifiers, not copying data
- Points made about the need to have further discussion around authority management.
- Vince and Christie made the point that there is no equivalent "Inventory" Vision
- Discussion around the use case of "bringing in Archive Space" and how that might work and which direction(s) should be chosen
- Perhaps we start to think about Inventory as a Staff Discovery tool
- Vince notes the use cases should/can be used to drive the conversation
- Vince encouraged by some of the discussion -specifically about how we focus on breaking things into smaller pieces.
- The end users (Librarians) won't care so much about how the data is organized/managed on the back end.
General conclusion: There are too many open questions and concerns to agree that this document represents the direction we want to head. As written it doesn't. More discussion is needed. Next Steps: - Is there anything that's being delivered for Chalmers that is impacted by this discussion. There may be some ERM related work that extends Codex Search's capability - No need to change direction for this - proceed as planned.
- Having a clear problem statement would be very helpful.
- Would be helpful to have a documented responsibility for Inventory
NOTE: Meeting recording: https://zoom.us/recording/play/VDovPEAQ9n0GrjO2bkU01KW2pncs6f_UTC71ZNfeN2NuTR3RsnK7ZHjldKtswslP?startTime=1551887815000 |