2017-09-22 RM Meeting notes



Discussion items


 Minute taker?


  • ER&L Voting is open (closes on Sunday, Sept 24)
    • The FOLIO Marketplace: a new Model for Library Innovation
    • We Didn’t Fear the Reader: Embracing New Service Models with Staff and Patron Input

    • Working with Workflows: Using the FOLIO Workflow App to Support Library Operations

  • Changes to wiki (walkthrough)
  • Do charges for subgroups look appropriate? See questions on Stacks Acquisitions Small Group
  • Need to get KB integration small group to be more active with Frontside?
Kristin Martin

Parking lot is a place to store topics that need discussion.

Group pages provide some background and the work of the small groups because there is the question about what the groups should be covering, particularly, the acquisitions group - what is included (items in red)? How does this compare to the roadmap? It has acquisitions and resource management split and some items such as ERM functionality and licensing seem to overlap with what is covered by the RM SIG. There needs to be more clarification of the split of work between Stacks and Frontside. Will there be a separate contacts app that works across all apps? It makes sense for this to be separate - this should be a fairly easy app to develop. Some should require separate groups but in the end, all need to work together. How does coordination happen between the groups so that everything is covered but not duplicated? According to Stacks, items in red will continue to be discussed alongside the items in black that are being developed. Need to reach out to Frontside to get a better handle of the scope of their work and how they're going to be working with the SIG. Their mandate is the integrating of the kb with the codex and OKAPI. They are still working through stripes so aren't yet looking for new projects. We haven't spent a lot of time on e-resource management in relation to the codex. After looking at various kb's, we will be able to link to individual titles or packages. First step to get a wiki describing Frontside's scope to live under the RM SIG page. Or should it be organized by function as the small groups are currently structured. Need to circle back to Harry to make sure the v1 document is still accurate following the survey - this can help us know how the work is being distributed and where there are gaps. RM info would be to see who has been assigned to what and the Product Council will oversee the overall project. This would also allow us to see what is out there and what needs more work. What else needs to be added to the Stacks Acquisitions Small Group page for more transparency? Maybe pointing to related Discuss posts? Can we also get a scope page for Stacks to go along with the one for Frontside? The red items on the acquisitions page need to split out for more discussion. On the Stack page - "here's what we're working on, here's what we're not working on." It was suggested that we leave the format as is.

To do:

  • Reach out to Frontside.
  • Move licensing discussion to parking lot.
  • See that Harry is revising v1 document.

Any comments? **crickets** Moving on...

 Continuation of Vendor Discussion. See additional comment on Discuss PostAcquisitions SubgroupThere will be a sticky notes app which will display notes fields across apps. This was decided on at the Montreal meeting. The notes field in apps will get a label change to "comments." Vendors need to include organizations who we may not have a monetary transaction with but we have an agreement with. Suggestion to be able to select the type of agreement from within the agreement section to help distinguish them.

Action items
