2019 Q4 Edelweiss PO Bugfix and Hotfix Release Process:
2019 Q4 Edelweiss PO Bugfix and Hotfix Release Process:
Bugfix = a fix release that happens after the module release deadline, but before the actual release
Hotfix = a fix release that happens after the final flower release, and heads straight to production
This describes the Q4-2019/Edelweiss Hotfix release process. This will be adjusted for future quarterly releases
- Hotfix release = one that must be added to a release after the final release has been made. As of March 2020, we are releasing hotfixes for q4-2019
- Label Jira issue with q4-2019-hotfix and let the developers doing the fix know that it is needed for a hotfix
- Get the issue fixed and test on https://folio-snapshot.aws.indexdata.com/
- Once the fix has passed testing in snapshot, post the Jira and seek approval for a hotfix release on the Slack #release_bug_triage channel. Approvers are Cate Boerema, Jakub Skoczen, Holly Mistlebauer, Mark Veksler, Mike Gorrell, Harry Kaplanian.
- If approved, ask the module maintainer to create a hotfix release. You can get the module maintainer’s name from the most recent release spreadsheet that lists all the MOD and UI modules. The release needs to go to the appropriate Release branch and the Main branch, and populate the community Flower release. UI releases show up automatically in the flower release. MODs don’t. They have to be manually pushed
- When the release is made, the module maintainer will announce it on the Slack #releases channel.
- When release is announced, ask an EBSCO PO (Harry Kaplanian, Ann-Marie Breaux, Cate Boerema, Dennis Bridges, Khalilah Gambrell, Magda Zacharska, Patty Wanninger, Stephanie Buck) or Anton Emelianov to make a request for it to be deployed to BugFest.
- PO tests the hotfix on the BugFest environment
- Add information about the hotfix to the Q4/Edelweiss Release Notes page on the wiki, in the Post-release Hotfixes table: https://folio-org.atlassian.net/wiki/display/COMMUNITY/Q4+2019+%28Edelweiss%29+Release+Notes
- Once the hotfix has passed testing on BugFest, it needs to be deployed to libraries using the current release in production or in sandbox. For EBSCO-hosted libraries, ask an EBSCO PO or Anton to deploy the fix. For Index Data-hosted libraries, Wayne Schneider is managing the deployments.
- Notify the libraries using the current release in production or sandbox that a hotfix has been deployed