2018-03-02 Meeting notes - RA - Printing Slips



Discussion items

Continued going over all the columns

List of Fees/Fines

Payment Receipts- (for some libraries- everything online)

Notices- looked over each and explained what each means

-Some libraries still use paper notices/sending them out

-Overdue Notices- short term vs long term notices (Real time would be ideal)

- Fee/Fine Notices- fine generated after item returned+ Items Lost + Getting ready to be billed

-Pending Collections Notice- if no Bursar Account it gets sent to a collection agency. Some libraries do their own billing.

-New Proxy Authorization- new proxy relationship established, both proxy/sponsor get confirmation

-Available Notice- Patron Notified when requested book available for pickup

-Available Notice- about to expire (after being on shelf for a # of days, gives a date)

-Hold Expired Notice


Went over Routing

Pull List- what info needed: Title, Call #, barcode, type of request (Patron, ILL, etc)

Paging Request/Pull Request- (Get item for patron from our library) discussed what info we need?

-patron name, item info, where going to, request delivery date, request/transaction number

-initiated by the patron; periodically prints slips, can generate pull list on demand

Staff Workflow Request – requested within system- (Preservation/Reserves/Cataloging)

-        generated at time of discharge

Routing Slips- In Transit- where coming from, where going, what date received


Cleaned up the Miscellaneous- Need Clarification and placed most of the items in the correct sections

Reserve List Creation Notification- Instructor notified when reserve list ready- Moved to Notices

Reserve Item Available- Moved to Notices

Library Card About to Expire- moved to Notices

Hold Shelf Expired- notice sent to patron –moved to Notices

Books to be Billed for Replacement- moved to Reports

Unfilled Request About to Expire- moved to Reports

New System Calendar Needed- matches library hours, is for system admins- was left where it is.

Action items
