2018-03-09 Meeting notes

2018-03-09 Meeting notes



  • Darcy Branchini

  • Tom Trutt (Cornell)
  • Benov Tzvetan (Duke)
  • Darrin Rosenthal (U of Chicago)
  • Dorcas Schroeder (Texas A&M)
  • Kristen Smith (Texas A&M)
  • Becky Bruneio (Lehigh)


-       All the items on the spreadsheet have been addressed; Darcy shared the results with the lead UX designer and product manager.

-       Next steps – how do we design this? What’s in v1?

  • First round for developers focus on 2 print slips that are standard across all institutions. Possible candidates would be request & hold slip
    • Routing slips – locations are not full developed yet in Folio so routing slips will have to wait until that area of the site has been completed
  • V1 may have the possibility of slip customization.

Sharing of sketch up designs by Darcy

-       These are early prototypes so not elements may not be present, or wording may change.

-       Print slips settings would be located in `Settings` – `Circulation`

  • Designers have been working on making sure that everything is ‘web assessable’


First screen Notes:

Q: Do we want default slips to be deleted?

A: Default slips should be kept but suppressed or turned off. Custom slips may be deleted at any time.


Edit Mode notes:

Q: How is a printer being chosen in current systems?

A: A lot of intuitions are using the default system printer. ??? is printing from PDF reports and selecting a printer at the time it is printed (it was mentioned that this is not an idea solution for them).

-       Printer area needs to re-thought.

-       Add a preview button for the current print slip.

-       Trigger options - Add a Manual or Automatic trigger; add a Display Confirmation option allowing user to see slip data and decide rather or not to print it.


Q: Should there a be way to edit the Confirmation dialog box text?

A: General consensus is yes. Default display should show all the same information as the printed slip but can be customized.


-       A long-term goal for the slip fields is that they can be dragged and dropped to reorder them in the slip.

-       The labels of ‘Label’ and ‘Value’ seemed to make sense to the group

-       The difference between Heading, Sub-Heading and Body is the text size the text will be printed.