2023-03-28 - Agenda and minutes - Onboarding meeting

Meeting Time:    10 am (EST) / 4 pm (Berlin) /  7 am (Palo Alto)

Meeting URL:  https://us06web.zoom.us/j/86878379784?pwd=R2RaVndCQ1VwSWZCY3BoSEtJNXVmUT09 

Meeting ID:

868 7837 9784



Slack Channel: folio-onboarding

Agenda March 28, 2023

Convener: Alexis

Notetaker: Alexis


  • FYI, 3/21 meeting was cancelled because most members had conflicts

Agenda items

  1. Review feedback from Stanford demo on 3/17/23 (Recording: https://stanford.zoom.us/rec/share/9CdjkD8Br9WjXziUoG0ZeaeBaj_A97r_hP3DJDFc9EwVQdNxLgW3q3KFpu-SCFWS.GWJjjQtecV6wZ3Pd?startTime=1679068587000)
  2. Decide on next steps for adjusting the presentation to address the feedback


  1.  Feedback that we should put a lot of the factual information from the presentation on the wiki or in a recording that we could direct the new institution to before the initial onboarding meeting/presentation.
  2. Factual information should go on the wiki. Information that needs significant explanation in a recording.
  3. Information about engagement/community involvement should stay in the live/in-person onboarding presentation.
  4. Stick with the idea of two in person meetings, one that is more general and a second that is focused on the interests of the institution. Invite individuals who are in the roles that the new institution is interested in to the second in person meeting.
  5. We started to go through the sides to determine what should be added to the wiki, what should be in a pre-recorded video, and what should be in the live/in-person onboarding presentation.
  6. Discussed various ideas for how to structure the recordings and info on the wiki. Intersperse recordings with the info on the wiki? Duplicate what is on the wiki in a recording (to accommodate different learning styles?)
  7. Decided to continue thinking about our approach and discuss more next week.

Parking Lot: 

  • Need to invite more members to Onboarding group
  • Reach out to National Library of Australia to join the community/presentation
  • Need to add the scope for the Onboarding group to the wiki page
  • Future topic:  just got this message from Maccabee: Hi Kristin.  Are you on that group working on an "orientation" experience for new FOLIO members?  Someone reached out to me today, a new EBSCO-hosted customer, very friendly and very much a newbie, with asking many of the usual questions about what version am I using, what is "snapshot" and how do I login, how do I see when specific features made it into a release (i.e. I introduced him to Jira), etc.  I feel like we need a FAQ as part of the orientation .  Of course there probably is a FAQ and he probably hasn't done the orientation yet.  But I'm so glad the community is putting that together, it is really needed!

Attendees list



Home Organization


Alexis Manheim



Kathleen Berry

UMass Amherst
regretsKirstin Kemner-HeekVZG Göttingen
xMartina SchildtVZG, Göttingen
xSharon Wiles-YoungLehigh
xPetra Schneider UB Frankfurt