2023-03-28 - Agenda and minutes - Onboarding meeting
Meeting Time: 10 am (EST) / 4 pm (Berlin) / 7 am (Palo Alto)
Meeting URL: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/86878379784?pwd=R2RaVndCQ1VwSWZCY3BoSEtJNXVmUT09
Meeting ID: | 868 7837 9784 |
Passcode: | 977086 |
Slack Channel: folio-onboarding
Agenda March 28, 2023
Convener: Alexis
Notetaker: Alexis
- FYI, 3/21 meeting was cancelled because most members had conflicts
Agenda items
- Review feedback from Stanford demo on 3/17/23 (Recording: https://stanford.zoom.us/rec/share/9CdjkD8Br9WjXziUoG0ZeaeBaj_A97r_hP3DJDFc9EwVQdNxLgW3q3KFpu-SCFWS.GWJjjQtecV6wZ3Pd?startTime=1679068587000)
- Decide on next steps for adjusting the presentation to address the feedback
- Feedback that we should put a lot of the factual information from the presentation on the wiki or in a recording that we could direct the new institution to before the initial onboarding meeting/presentation.
- Factual information should go on the wiki. Information that needs significant explanation in a recording.
- Information about engagement/community involvement should stay in the live/in-person onboarding presentation.
- Stick with the idea of two in person meetings, one that is more general and a second that is focused on the interests of the institution. Invite individuals who are in the roles that the new institution is interested in to the second in person meeting.
- We started to go through the sides to determine what should be added to the wiki, what should be in a pre-recorded video, and what should be in the live/in-person onboarding presentation.
- Discussed various ideas for how to structure the recordings and info on the wiki. Intersperse recordings with the info on the wiki? Duplicate what is on the wiki in a recording (to accommodate different learning styles?)
- Decided to continue thinking about our approach and discuss more next week.
Parking Lot:
- Need to invite more members to Onboarding group
- Reach out to National Library of Australia to join the community/presentation
- Need to add the scope for the Onboarding group to the wiki page
- Future topic: just got this message from Maccabee: Hi Kristin. Are you on that group working on an "orientation" experience for new FOLIO members? Someone reached out to me today, a new EBSCO-hosted customer, very friendly and very much a newbie, with asking many of the usual questions about what version am I using, what is "snapshot" and how do I login, how do I see when specific features made it into a release (i.e. I introduced him to Jira), etc. I feel like we need a FAQ as part of the orientation . Of course there probably is a FAQ and he probably hasn't done the orientation yet. But I'm so glad the community is putting that together, it is really needed!
Attendees list
Present | Name | Home Organization |
x | Alexis Manheim | Stanford |
x | Kathleen Berry | UMass Amherst |
regrets | Kirstin Kemner-Heek | VZG Göttingen |
x | Martina Schildt | VZG, Göttingen |
x | Sharon Wiles-Young | Lehigh |
x | Petra Schneider | UB Frankfurt |