2023-05-02 Meeting notes
2023-05-02 Meeting notes
- Petra
- Kat
- Wiki page draft is up and added some SIG information
- working draft of Onboarding Presentation
Discussion items
- Martina asked for onboarding support in ACQ SIG and got the following response from Joanna Cerro, Serials Unit Supervisor, Cornell University Librar
Hi Martina,
I’m reaching out to you from Cornell University Library. I’m the serials unit supervisor and helped to create the serials receiving workflow when we migrated to FOLIO. I saw that you’re calling for more members of the FOLIO Onboarding Group, and I’m interested in acting as a potential mentor for serials acquisitions. I have slides that I created when I was training others in serials receiving and would be happy to provide these training materials and demonstrate a receiving workflow for other institutions if they’d like.
Please let me know if this would be helpful for your group.
- would be good help for mentorship
- material can be added to wiki page
- We need to think about how we can best integrate offers of support