Settings - Tenant - Service points

Settings - Tenant - Service points


A service point is FOLIO terminology for a library staff work location.

A service point is needed when you want to have at least one of the following services available: 

  • Patrons need to be able to request items to be delivered to that location for them;
  • Patrons need to be able to request items to be held at that location for them;
  • Patrons need to be able to check out items
  • Patrons need to be able to check in items
  • Items need to be put in transit to that location;
  • Fines need to be charged for transactions that occur at that location;

Considerations for Implementation

Every location that has physical items needs an associated primary service point in order to manage those items. Therefore, you should create your desired service points before creating your location hierarchy.

Staff who use the Check-In, Check-Out, Users, and Request apps must have a service point assigned to them in their user record.

There is no requirement that a service desk be a place that is providing service to patrons. In fact, libraries may find that it is helpful to establish internal service points for areas such as shelving, conservation, or collection development. It is really up to the individual library.


There is one permission for service point management in settings:

  • Settings (tenant): Can create, edit and remove service points

There are no action-based permissions associated with this area of settings.


Service point configuration options include:

  • Name
    • Must be unique to the tenant
  • Code
    • Must be unique to the tenant
  • Discovery Display Name
  • Description
  • Shelving Lag Time
    • Used to support Recently Returned, not yet implemented (see  UXPROD-527 - Getting issue details... STATUS  to monitor status)
  • Pickup Location (Yes/No)
  • Print by Default options for Hold, Pick Slip, Request Delivery, Transit.

Locations that have that service point assigned to them (either as primary service point or other) will display in an accordion below the configuration fields.

In addition, creating a Service Point will create an associated Calendar with the same name. The calendar is where you update opening and closing hours for that service point.


There is no out of the box searching in this section of FOLIO.

Functional workflows

  • Creating a new Service Point
  • Modifying a Service Point
  • Adding a Service Point to a User Record


There are no in-app reports available in this section of FOLIO.

There are no known LDP reports that use data from this section of FOLIO - however, there will be many LDP reports that return service points as part of their queries, including those related to circulation statistics and patron fee/fines.


Service point management happens through mod-inventory-storage on the backend. 

Service Point APIs (automatically generated docs):

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