Item | Notes |
Today's Forum debrief | From Holly: 1) My Cornell colleagues think that the Forum should start out with a status of where things are in relation to the Roadmap–a quick project status. Plan is to have rotating slides at start of Forum with info about how to get status reports (Mike) 2) The slide for possible new SIGs included User Management, which is actually a SIG that exists right now. Slide has been fixed (Peter) Also: Will add SIG information to; At end of Forum remind attendees they can join the Forum Facilitator group or provide topics.
Recruiting members to Facilitators from SIGs | On agenda for Product Council meeting tomorrow morning. Leave this on our agenda for next week.
New topic ideas | From Holly: 1) Forum that shows how to install FOLIO on a developer's computer. Do this at or after the February 1 on-boarding Forum? Talk to Jakub S. about adding this to the on-boarding Forum–if not enough time will be separate (Holly) 2) Forum that shows how to install FOLIO on a production server, including best practices, security, performance tuning, data backup, etc. This is a topic for much later in 2017. Added to Idea Bank (Kristin) Also: What about Technical Review Team report Forum? Will be next topic if possible. Mike will check.
Review of upcoming Forums and future topics in Idea Bank to plan future Forums | Date | Topic | Notes |
December 7 | FOLIO SIGs and Product Council
| | December 28 | NO FORUM | | January 4 (or 11) | Technical Review Team report (Michelle, Chris, and Julian) and participation from Index Data folks (Nassib) Mike will talk to TRT about this.
These topics will wait: Diane Bruxvoort from the University of Aberdeen? Vince (FOLIO architecture)? | | January 18 | (Filip Jakobsen) | | February 1 | Community Developers: On-boarding & Initial Experiences (include installing FOLIO on development computer? Or make this a separate topic?)
| | February 15 | Follow-up panel from Charleston | | March 1 | Possible: Diane (U Aberdeen) and Mark (U Glasgow) | | March 15 | FOLIO Roadmap update (Harry Kaplanian) | | March 29 | GoKB Update? | |
Review task list | Holly will clean up duplicate tasks. |
Conferences | Code4Lib voting ends today! |
Upcoming meetings | Date | Facilitator | Minutes |
December 7 | Peter | Holly | December 14 | Sharon | Peter | December 21 | | |