

Attendees: Tamir Borensztajn, Rachel Fadlon, Sharon Wiles-Young, Doreen Herold, Kristin Martin

Regrets: Michael Winkler, Holly Mistlebauer, Jack Hill, Peter Murray, Kathleen McEvoy  


Dates for upcoming meetings (current week’s facilitator becomes next week’s minute-taker)

    1. October 19:       Doreen, facilitate; Kristin Martin,minutes (Peter, Holly, and Michael will be in Copenhagen)

    2. October 26:         Sharon, facilitate;     Doreen, minutes



Review outstanding tasks and note Confluence task list page. Doreen showed how to set up the task list within Confluence. Tasks that are completed were checked off and removed. Other ongoing tasks have notes below.





Michael Winkler will contact Ken Chad re: Possible forum from AMIGOS

We don’t know

Everyone will review discuss.folio.org to cull potential topics/questions

Wait for Peter to see if they are going to put together a forum on the GBV/HBZ Funcational Requirements Catalog

Peter Murray to send JavaScript comment snippet to Michael Winkler for the OLE blog

Completed? Will need to check with Peter

Holly Mistlebauer to ask Technical Review Team about possible Forum for Nov. 2nd?  Michelle has this on her agenda for tomorrow’s Tech Review Team meeting.  Holly will discuss with OLE Developer group at their meeting tomorrow

More information is coming after Copenhagen

Kristin Martin Check with Jacob about Oct. 18 & 19th for focus groups or week after for follow up focus groups

Jacob was not prepared to do focus groups this week. We will need to revisit with him/Mike about goals/timings for the forums. Facilitators group might help facilitate these.



Discuss future topics in Idea Bank to plan future Forums:


    1. Confirmed? Nov. 16th Forum: Code use by community- Forum how others get involved in FOLIO outcomes of Copenhagen meetings, step by step guide to get involved,  onboard developers, roadmap, first use of code; other technical people talking about code, getting involved with code

      1. Holly/Peter will finalize this this week. There is a draft announcement, but it is not yet set up in webex: https://docs.google.com/document/d/16m0CKeaAGN6tusZ77T8E-m3otNLMSQY7Bg029XXbaWE/edit

    2. Protio.io: can we have a forum showing use of proto.io? This would be with Filip. There is a time constraint because the trial is only 8 weeks long. Rachel is checking with Filip to see if he can lead a forum on using the tool and to see if the trial can be extended. We would hold a special forum next week, Oct. 26

    3. Other November Forum ideas

      1. Kirstin from GBV on Functional Requirements Catalog

      2. Charleston outcomes

    4. December Forum

      1. App development

    5. January Forum

      1. Jacob’s work on UI and possible UI groups

      2. ALA Midwinter held Jan 20-24, 2017 Atlanta, GA

        1. EBSCO asking ALA participants: what should FOLIO do? People put their answers in twitter. This could be a forum to describe the answers, and how product might be developed


Other Announcements



    1. FOLIO VIP Lounge

      1. RSVP https://www.eventbrite.com/e/folio-vip-lounge-charleston-conference-registration-27688166050

      2. Sign up to represent the community in the lounge https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1HU-fndeFhmM9_zmjnfRDAVEYXNGql8XwvWuIaS89yYI/edit?usp=sharing

  1. ER&L Submissions

    1. Vote for FOLIO Submissions this week. These 3 sessions are listed on the 9th (last) page of the Google Form  https://www.electroniclibrarian.org/2017-community-vote/

      1. Let’s think – and work – outside the box. Literally.   

      2. Are platforms eating the world?

      3. Bibliographic and Entitlement Records Under One Roof: The Making of a Kabalog  


Action Items