


Next meeting: November 9

Kristin Martin with Facilitate, Holly will take minutes

Discussion items

Today's Forum: GOKb E-books

Presentation went very well, good content

Technology work well also

 Review of future topics in idea bank for future forums Unscheduled topics:
  • Proto.io- Rachel is coordinating this with Filip- When can this be scheduled
  • AMIGOS, Ken Chad- Michael will contact him to see about a possible forum presentation
  • Focus groups with Jacob; Update from Kristin, Jacob will be stepping back from some responsibilities. Focus groups related to scholarly communication will be placed on hold
  • Aberdeen University: Tamir with reach out to Diane Bruxvoort at Aberdeen University in the UK for a possible Forum presentation on why they are participating in FOLIO?
 November Forums
  •  Kirstin from GBV on Functional Requirements catalog- Facilitator group felt this was too specific a topic and may not be interesting to a general Forum audience
  • Charleston outsomes- potential forum topics
  • Harry K. to present on FOLIO roadmap- Holly will ask Harry and Peter will host- November 16
  • November 30 for Charleston topics/
 December Forums (one due to holidays)
  •  Harry K.'s Forum moved to November
  • SIG discussion- how SIGs were formed, process, how to get involved- Need presenter from Product Council with SIG facilitator
January Forums
  • Jacob's work on UI and possible UI groups
  • Onboarding developers (Jakub) and initial experiences (Simon, Julian, Frances, Matt)
  • Live App development (include app guidelines from Index Data)
February Forum
  • Outcomes from ALA Midwinter- Possible topic: what do people want from a system? What do people want after basic functionality is developed.
Upcoming conferences with FOLIO involvement
  • Charleston- completed
  • ER&L- voting on programs finished, no word on programs going forward yeat
  • ALA Midwinter- FOLIO marketing, what representation of FOLIO will be at ALA, F2F meetings
Forum Facilitator's Group- Membership and Participation


  • Original charge for group is members would change, stagger the changes and rotate off the group

  • Members from other OLE partners
  • Look at Forum attendees and ask some attendees to get involved
  • Rachel suggested putting out the work on FOLIO communication channels- participation opportunity
  • Sharon contacted Michael- he stated need a plan for members to cycle off the group and definitely open up community membership- When new members are invited need to have an orientation process
  • Doreen offered to draft a membership document for the Forum Facilitator's Group

Action items

  • Rachel Fadlon is coordinating the Protio.io FOLIOforum with Filip as the presenter.  November is busy for him. Rachel, can we schedule this for January?

  •  Michael Winkler contact Ken Chad about have a FOLIOforum about AMIGOS
  • Tamir Borensztajn was going to contact Diane Bruxvoort at Aberdeen University in the UK to see if she would participate in a FOLIOforum about why the library is participating in FOLIO.  Tamir, have you had a chance to talk to Diane?
  • Kristin Martin will add a discussion of the December 14th SIG FOLIOforum to the Product Council agenda for their November 3rd meeting.
  • Holly Mistlebauer will ask Harry if he can do his FOLIO Roadmap presentation on November 16th instead of the planned date of December 14th.
  • Doreen Herold will draft a membership document for the Forum Facilitators’ Group.