


Doreen, Kathleen, Jack, Mike, Peter, Tamir, and Holly

(Regrets:  Sharon Wiles-Young)


Dates for upcoming meetings (current week’s facilitator becomes next week’s minute-taker)

    1. September 7: Jack facilitate; Peter minutes

    2. September 14: Holly facilitate; Jack minutes

    3. September 21: Doreen facilitate; Holly minutes

    4. September 28: Sharon facilitate; Doreen minutes

    5. October 5:          facilitate;             minutes

Agenda for September 21

  1. Additional Agenda Items:

    1. Facilitator Folio Wiki for agendas and minutes

  2. Review and debrief from today’s FOLIO Forum: Primer on FOLIO code

    1. Attendees

    2. Q&A

    3. Possible follow up forum?

    4. Other issues?

  3. Future Forums

    1. Jacob’s Integrating the Library into new Methods of Research on October 5th?

    2. Community use of code- Simon, Michelle

    3. Kabalog, SIGs after that?

    4. Other ideas?

    4.    FOLIO in news -  Any feedback or follow up needed

    1. Marshall Breeding article and AMIGOS Re-imaging the ILS--add items like this to the weekly status report?

    2. Re-imaging Library Technology Part 2- Folio

    3. First person blog posts? (MW)

    4. Anything else?

Minutes for September 21

  1. Additional Agenda Items:

    1. Facilitator Folio Wiki for agendas and minutes

      1. Wiki link to agendas/minutes is https://folio-org.atlassian.net/wiki/display/FACILITATORS/Facilitator+Meetings%3A+Agendas+and+Minutes.  We will create our minutes in Google Docs and then the notetaker will create a wiki page with the final version of the minutes.

      2. Wiki link to Facilitator page is https://folio-org.atlassian.net/wiki/display/FACILITATORS/Forum+Facilitators.

  2. Review and debrief from today’s FOLIO Forum: Primer on FOLIO code

    1. Many people left at noon.  Perhaps 90 minutes is too long?  Don’t think we would have gotten through everything today in 60 minutes.

    2. If we keep the forum at 90 minutes, perhaps we could add a Q&A part after 45 minutes?

    3. Good questions asked--none are remaining.

    4. How do we get more questions?  Let people ask questions afterward?  Perhaps using Discuss.  Add a link to where the recording link is.  ACTION ITEM: Peter to send JavaScript comment snippet to Michael for the OLE blog.

  3. Future Forums

    1. Jacob’s Integrating the Library into new Methods of Research on October 5th?

      1. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1zZyW5yfqbW58guhvYW-7lGEy1B2tYSHxa3XetZbzl9k/edit 

      2. Ready to announce this.

      3. Kristin is host; Doreen is the facilitator support.

    2. Community use of code- Simon, Michelle Suranofsky

      1. Maybe too early for people to have engaged with the code?

      2. Good topic for later.

      3. Give techies time to play with code.

      4. ACTION ITEM:  Holly will ask Developers and Tech Review Team if they would be willing to participate and if November 2nd would work for them.

    3. Kabalog, SIGs after that?

      1. WIll Kabalog work for the October 19th Forum? Mike doesn’t think it has reached a conclusion, but there does need to be discussion.  Do a panel discussion with perhaps 3 people who are working on this?  

      2. Will make some group with SIGs this week.  Not ready to commit to date for SIGs Forum.  

    4. November 2nd will be a Forum day--some people will be at the Charleston Conference at that time.  

      1. Could do follow-up coding Forum (see b. above).  

      2. Could also do something from Charleston.  

      3. Will be a workshop run by Jacob from Behavioral Data, a panel with Mike, Neil, and two library reps (“A new open source LSP?  Oh,my!”), and FOLIO Lounge in a nearby venue.

      4. What about repeating the above panel?  Maybe at a later date?  Mike will talk to panel members about this.

    5. Speaking of conference, how about asking OLE partner attendees to video tape snippets of people’s thoughts about FOLIO?

    6. What about having Functional Matrix team present, showing us the requirements and explaining how they have selected and prioritized the features.  Probably not ready and may not be the right group.  Product Council needs to think about how the work can be organized and presented.

  4. FOLIO in news -  Any feedback or follow up needed

    1. Marshall Breeding article and AMIGOS Re-imaging the ILS.  ACTION ITEM:  Holly will add “OLE/FOLIO in the News” to the weekly status report.

    2. Re-imaging Library Technology Part 2- Folio

    3. First person blog posts? (MW)

    4. Anything else?