2019-08-28 Forum Facilitators Meeting notes


Discussion items:

  • New "OLF1_HOST" Zoom account: Peter Murray to send the account username/password to Forum Facilitators.
  • FOLIO Forum tag on Discuss: In the consolidation of the Open Library Foundation channel on YouTube, we lost the ability to have a list of just FOLIO Forums.  That is now created with the `folio-forum` tag on Discuss: https://discuss.folio.org/tags/folio-forum.  There are entries for all Forums going back to the December 2017 Year-in-Review.  New posts are to be created with registration details for upcoming Forums, and then those posts can be re-purposed to have the link to the recording.  Thought: should something similar be done for the Sprint Reviews?
  • For the next meeting: talk about timing of forum ideas.  We have an increasing number of ideas for Forums, and if we stick to the once-a-month pace, then some of these ideas will stretch well into next year.  For instance, we wanted to do forums like the Acquisitions Apps one for other functional areas, but right now those would be scheduled into January.  Some of the ideas may be firmer next week, and with more information we can consider whether to go beyond the once-a-month pace.

August : Acquisitions Apps recap

About 30 at the start; dropped about 10 with the interruption in the middle.

Announcements about Forum: typically send to the "all-sig" list, but that didn't happen this time.  Eric sent it to acq and er&l lists.  Also announced in the bi-weekly newsletter.

Having the demonstration of the workflows was very helpful and better than a static presentation.

September 18: UX Design Update

Host: Paul Moeller (Laura as backup)Debbie is moving away from SIG work (and moved from the libraries to a different unit on campus); Beth German is the new convener of the Accessibility SIG.  Eric to reach out to Beth.

?October???: Open Library Foundation

Host: Ginny Boyer

To talk holistically about the communities in the Foundation: the ones that exist, the ones that are coming on. Talk about the idea of scope for the FOLIO project as it relates to the goals of these communities coming onboard. To include members of the OLF Board, ideally. Also talk about the transition of OLF leadership.

Branding as "OLF Forum" versus "FOLIOForum"

Rachel reached out to Ginny about this. September might be good timing.  Gather interest in WOLFcon in Texas in January 2020; ALA Midwinter Jan 17-20 then WOLFcon.

With the UX Design Update, we pushed this Forum idea to October.  Ask Rachel Fadlon to reach out to Ginny Boyer (Deactivated) again about a date in October.

? October-ish??? FOLIO Project Roadmap Update

Host: Eric HartnettMaybe append to the Year-in-Review?

November 20: Library Data Platform

Nassib Nassar

Reverse RFP

Harry's document.  Get Harry's input on when this will be ready to present to the world.  Is it something we'd like to do as a Forum?

Role of Subject-Matter Experts in FOLIO

Keep as a FOLIO Forum.

As a part of onboarding new people into the community.  Similar to what we did in the past where we had what each of the SIG conveners talk about what they are doing and how people can get involved.

Series of presentations from PC Chair, SIG Convener, UX Designer, Product Owner, Developer – how does everyone work all together.  Possibly part of the general track of WOLFcon?

Tips and Tricks for Documenting a Project

Part of the general track of WOLFcon?

December: FOLIO Year-in-Review

?: "Beyond ILS” session: Research/Special Collections


Moderator: Sebastian Hammer

Heidi Mann, Nassib, Mitchell.

On hold for now. Sebastian is confirming with participants.

Preceded by Sebastian/Christopher/Michael with a session about where we are on the project.  What we've discussed with Resource Sharing, for instance. 

?: Panel Discussion of Early Implementers/Adopters Partners

Session on how Chalmers went and what the plans are from others. Representatives from TAMU and UChicago.

Hold until after Chalmers has gone live and gotten their feed under themselves.

?: ERM Apps

It has been a while since a review of the ERM apps was done and there are some exciting things happening.  Eric Hartnett to watch for the optimum time in the fall to do an update.
in order to put pressure on ourselves to make some decisions around Inventory and Codex
Review Idea Bank
  • Usage Statistics
  • Presentations could start to look at deployment, particularly in a hosted, non-hosted environment
  • Work to prep for migrations to FOLIO. Get implementation managers on a panel.
  • How FOLIO is impacting libraries now: view from Cornell – wait to reach out until we have better sense of implementation timelines; How are they viewing FOLIO from a strategic perspective
  • What is the international perspective on FOLIO? Can we get a panel of international sites (Australia, GVB) to give their perspectives? Plus, international update
  • Host a Forum in the Spanish language with roadmap discussion and demo, could be hosted by Lydia @ EBSCO, include UNAM development team. Rachel Fadlon to investigate.
  • Podcasting as a possibility to get developers to answer questions about the process, EBSCO has people who be able to edit
  • Panel of PO/SIG facilitator/developer together to discuss the full life cycle, moderated by product owner
  • Codex Revisited, based on the vision statement – including the entity formerly known as authority work.
  • Accessibility features/process of testing – perhaps in the fall after the issues of the latest testing are resolved?
Conference News

New Business

Action items
