2019-01-02 Forum Facilitators Meeting notes
2019-01-02 Forum Facilitators Meeting notes
Discussion items:
Item | Who | Notes |
January 9: Year in Review | Host: Laura E Daniels Panelists: Michael, Seb, Christopher | Michael Winkler and Christopher Spalding to get in touch with Laura E Daniels to work on questions and structure. Peter Murray and Michael Winkler to investigate the YouTube simulcast as an audience overflow option. Register: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_11r22avWS8KaELdbHqIyfw For the all-SIG list, ask people to sign in as groups. |
January 23: Community Outreach SIG how-to | Right before ALA MidWinter.
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February 6: Quarterly update | Host: Eric Hartnett Panelist: Hkaplanian | Use description from November session? Eric to check with Harry. |
February 20: Open Library Foundation | Host: Michael Winkler | To talk holistically about the communities in the Foundation: the ones that exist, the ones that are coming on. Talk about the idea of scope for the FOLIO project as it relates to the goals of these communities coming onboard. To include members of the OLF Board, ideally. |
March 13: ERM | Host: Eric Hartnett | Peter McCracken and Kristin Martin.have asked for after ER&L. |
?: Panel Discussion of Vendor Partners | Moderator: Peter Murray | Announcements at MidWinter can be reported. Repeat of what happened at WOLFCON plus Knowledge Integration, ByWater, others? |
?: "Beyond ILS” session: Resource sharing/Research/Special Collections | On hold for now. Sebastian is confirming with participants. | |
?: Panel Discussion of Early Implementers/Adopters Partners | ||
?: MarcCat | Host: Laura E Daniels | Laura will talk to atCult. Ask again early in 2019 about scheduling a time. |
Review Idea Bank |
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Conference News | ||
New Business |