2019-03-13 Forum Facilitators Meeting notes


Discussion items:


March 13: ERM


56 attendees on Zoom + 13 on YouTube.  Recording: https://youtu.be/6yN8QyL8Z-s

YouTube stream started recording as soon as the stream was set up; next time don't start the stream until just before the event starts.  It takes just a few clicks to start once one is signed into the OLF YouTube channel.

Since there were only 56 out of 100 attendees, is there a way to "over-subscribe" the event or allow people to register and join at the time of the event if there are seats available?  Can we have a signup place for people just interested in getting the email to the recording?

Ginny to speak to Michael about asking zoom for a non-profit discount, particularly for the webinar seats.

Didn't get a lot of questions. We thought that was unusual.

There was someone last week that posted to the #FOLIOForum hashtag about the over-subscribed event.  We should monitor the hashtag between Forums to catch comments.

March 27: Usage App

Host: Eric Hartnett

Presenter: Annika Schröer

Registration link

All set for this.

April 10: MARCCat App

Host: Laura E DanielsLaura offered a draft description and to seek out a co-presenter.

April 24: Project ReShare

Host: Peter Murray


  • Jill Morris (PALCI)
  • Kurt Munson (Northwestern Univ)
  • Kristen Wilson (ID)

April 24th is confirmed.  Planning document.

Peter discussed the branding of the ReShare forum with Michael Winkler and Ginny Boyer.  Each OLF project will likely want its own branded series of webinars, so this one will be branded as a "Project ReShare Forum" (or something like that).  It will use the regularly scheduled FOLIO Forum time as a launching point for its own series of webinars.

May 8: Quarterly Update

Host: Peter Murray

Presenters: Harry

Harry asked for May 8th

App demos: non-ERM parts of orders, users/check-in/check-out/proxies.

?: Open Library Foundation

To talk holistically about the communities in the Foundation: the ones that exist, the ones that are coming on. Talk about the idea of scope for the FOLIO project as it relates to the goals of these communities coming onboard. To include members of the OLF Board, ideally.

Branding as "OLF Forum" versus "FOLIOForum"

?: Panel Discussion of Vendor Partners

Moderator: Peter Murray

Announcements at ALA Annual can be reported. Repeat of what happened at WOLFCON 2018 plus Knowledge Integration, ByWater, others? June 12 (before ALA) or June 26 (after)? (Both would skip a week from our schedule now.)

?: "Beyond ILS” session: Research/Special Collections

Host: Michael Winkler

Moderator: Sebastian Hammer

Heidi Mann, Nassib, Mitchell.

On hold for now. Sebastian is confirming with participants.

Preceded by Sebastian/Christopher/Michael with a session about where we are on the project.  What we've discussed with Resource Sharing, for instance. 

?: Panel Discussion of Early Implementers/Adopters Partners

Session on how Chalmers went and what the plans are from others. Representatives from TAMU and UChicago.
Review Idea Bank 
  • Usage Statistics
  • Presentations could start to look at deployment, particularly in a hosted, non-hosted environment
  • Work to prep for migrations to FOLIO. Get implementation managers on a panel.
  • How FOLIO is impacting libraries now: view from Cornell – wait to reach out until we have better sense of implementation timelines; How are they viewing FOLIO from a strategic perspective
  • What is the international perspective on FOLIO? Can we get a panel of international sites (Australia, GVB) to give their perspectives? Plus, international update
  • Host a Forum in the Spanish language with roadmap discussion and demo, could be hosted by Lydia @ EBSCO, include UNAM development team. Rachel Fadlon to investigate.
  • Podcasting as a possibility to get developers to answer questions about the process, EBSCO has people who be able to edit
  • Panel of PO/SIG facilitator/developer together to discuss the full life cycle, moderated by product owner
  • Codex Revisited, based on the vision statement – including the entity formerly known as authority work.
Conference News

New Business

Action items
