2021-08-17 eUsage Reports meeting notes

2021-08-17 eUsage Reports meeting notes

Index Data Personnel updateKristen Wilson stepping away for a medical issue for at least the next few weeks.
Development update

Back end progressing well, but UI dev stalled due to Vacation. Expect to demo Requests by Date of Publication and Requests by Publication Year next week and hopefully Cost per Use (less confident with this one).

Jakub Skoczen reviewed the open tickets and their priority

Check in on testing and feedback


From Nicole:

Hi @kristen, hi @mdg, I will probably only be on duty for one week and then leave for vacation and parental leave. I am represented by my colleague Stefanie Nooke. I really want to finish the UBL test cases. I had drawn up three agreements for Springer. The evaluation of the usage data unfortunately does not work, because obviously the titles of the kbart do not appear in the usage statistics. Right off the bat I don't find any titles that appear in both the Kbart and the statistics. I'm still trying the test packages Kristen created. Do you have any other tips for me? The Cambridge Kbart as an alternative has not yet loaded. Owen takes another look at this after his vacation. So I'm not getting any further at the moment. The creation of the acquisitions is still open, but I'm sticking to it. Best regards

Mike Gorrell  will try to mock up some data for this agreement.

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