eUsage Reports Working Group

eUsage Reports Working Group


Google Drive Folder

Scrum Board

Test scenarios

User acceptance testing (UAT) spreadsheet

Cheat Sheet: Formatting COUNTER CSV files

Cheat Sheet: Creating acquisitions data


eUsage Reports Harvest Summary and Results

eUsage Reports visualizations and downloads


NameFocus of WorkOrganization
Project POIndex Data
Working group convener, PO eUsageUB Leipzig
Project coordinator at Index DataIndex Data
Jens NauberProject coordinator at SLUB Dresden SLUB Dresden
Kathrin GläßerSubject Matter ExpertSLUB Dresden
Kerstin KönigSubject Matter ExpertSLUB Dresden
Reporting SIG Representative, Subject Matter ExpertUB Mainz
ERM Representative, Subject Matter ExpertGBV
Jessica HarrisSubject Matter ExpertU of Chicago

Communication Channels

  • Slack Channel: #erm-usage-reports


Weekly Meeting on Tuesday,
10 am EST, 4 pm CET, 3 pm UK

As the project-bound development phase was concluded with the Kiwi release, there are no more working group meetings at the moment.

For more details, see eUsage Reports Meetings and Notes.

SIG Convener

If you have any questions or are interested in participating, please contact Annika Schröer