2021-03-24 - ERM Subgroup meeting minutes

2021-03-24 - ERM Subgroup meeting minutes

Meeting Time:    8 am EST / 1 pm CET / 12 noon UK

Call in Number:     https://zoom.us/j/995679876 

Meeting URLhttps://zoom.us/j/995679876 Password needed - please see link here: https://folio-org.atlassian.net/wiki/display/COMMUNITY/FOLIO+Meetings+with+Zoom


ERM Sub SIG Folio Wiki: https://folio-org.atlassian.net/wiki/display/RM/ERM+Sub+Group 

Google Folder: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/17X3tr6siZH8iS07kGcjAqUNl01zVrJmB

Terms and definitions: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1vue-mbcULpZivWu69a7nAZEdC-H2yXPQqSblbL_0J6U

Slack Channel: # erm-team


  • Convener: Martina T.
  • Notetaker: Martina S.
  • All: Please edit the attendees list below and indicate when you are there!
  • Next ERM meeting: March 31st
  • Open discuss posts-

Agenda items:

  1. Development progress - ERM Sprint 110
  2. ERM Implementers Issues from https://folio-org.atlassian.net/wiki/display/RM/ERM+implementers 
    1. 13. Display of number of set terms (licenses) or supplementary properties (agreements)
    2. 25. Enhancements for Supplemental Properties in Agreements (SEE HOMEWORK in this document (ERM meeting agenda 2021/03/17))
    3. 33. E-resources: Change the display behavior when a title is no longer available in a package
    4. 38. Agreements/Licenses: Allow sort options for documents


On the ERM implementers topics wiki page there is a request to enhance the Supplementary Properties in Agreements. Agreement Supplementary Properties use the same underlying approach as the license Terms, so we can consider enhancements to the Supplementary Properties / Terms together (and if they need to work differently, we need to highlight where they should diverge).

Potential enhancements for the properties/terms include:

  1. Ability to have multi-value pick lists for a single property/term
  2. Ability to assign multiple values (with associated notes) to a property/term
  3. The ability to use the same property/term multiple times on a single agreement/license
  4. Support for property/term types for recording dates
  5. Enhanced editor functions similar to the Notes Helper app (specifically hyperlinking)

Please consider and respond to the questions in this document (ERM meeting agenda 2021/03/17)



  • Agenda and minutes will from today on be posted in the Wiki instead of via Google Drive
  • this aligns with the RM SIG way
  • next wek we will all meet at the regular times again

ERM development Progress 

  • this sprint finishes on Friday
  • a lot of time spent making software releases for Iris
  • from tomorrow people can start claiming test cases for bugfest
  • developer documentation is part of overall process - can be used for other applications
  • Dashboard demo will follow shortly
  • Assign multpile organization roles to one organization - development will be rolled over to next sprint, as it is slightly delayed

Implementers Topics

Display number of set terms or supplementary properties

  • to conitnue a previous discussion that we had in this group last year
  • in "terms accordion" the system doesn't display the number of terms taht are set
  • this is different to the other accordions
  • reason: this works different to the other parts
  • in settings users can define terms as primary terms - primary term = y/n
  • on the agreement all primary terms are displayed - the ones are set and the ones that are not set
  • so the number of terms would not tell users anything about the numbers of terms that are filled out - there is a difference between: terms that are set vs. terms that a user expects to be set
  • what is the useful information that users want to get via a count
    • Peter McCracken: a total number of set terms would be more helpful than a total number of possible terms
    • Emma: agrees, although a count in general is not necessary
    • in chat people agree that the count is not very relevant
    • Jack: if there is a zero, that indicates that I need to add something
    • Sara in chat: For Agreements, like Jack, the exact number I do not need, I just need to know there is something there OR not
    • agreement: having a number for set terms is helpful
  • question: should we hide the terms accordion and the supplementary properties if it is not populated - like we do with the other accordions
    • Peter M: even if there is nothing populated, the accordion should be visible
    • Emma agrees
    • Owen will write a story: if there are 0 terms and no primary terms are set in settings → the accordion should be hidden
    • if there are 0 terms set for the agreement but there are primary terms set in settings → display the accordion and display the count = 0
    • Jack in chat: I think that makes sense
    • for supplementary properties: they are not as central as the terms - not necessary to display the empty accordion
  • Sara: it would be useful to have a filter for supplementary documents → as added to the Implementers topics #39

    It would very useful to be able to find via Filter those Agreements for which I have intentionally added Supplementary Documents (or, have not). Preferably based on the Categories set–as well as None (no Supp Docs).

Enhancements for Supplemental Properties in Agreements

  • SEE HOMEWORK in this document (ERM meeting agenda 2021/03/17)
  • Potential enhancements for the properties/terms include:

    1. Ability to have multi-value pick lists for a single property/term
    2. Ability to assign multiple values (with associated notes) to a property/term
    3. The ability to use the same property/term multiple times on a single agreement/license
    4. Support for property/term types for recording dates
    5. Enhanced editor functions similar to the Notes Helper app (specifically hyperlinking)
  • for ZBW: have multi-value pick lists for a single property/term would be the preferred solution
  • same applies for Jack and UMass
  • there would be multiple values; one internal note, one public note, one visibility
  • if there need to be different notes for the different values, users would need to be able to add multiple primary properties (for suppl. properties) and add a note for each (#3)
  • both seem to be needed
  • Peter M in chat: My preferred UI here would be checkboxes - one for each authentication option. Just select the relevant boxes, then move on to the next Term
  • at some institution the paragraph from the license goes into the internal note 
  • this might be picked up as a topic in a future meeting
  • this discussion will be continued in next meeting
  • Owen asks for more input on the homework questions, especially on adding a URL type
    • Jack in chat: I think a URL type would be awesome
      It would replicate the way supp. docs automatically hyperlinks in the URL field
      But I’ll probably say both again!
      I might want to add richer text in a public note for the patrons.
  • if people need more options and requirements in addition to the 5 proposed please add and we will discuss in next meeting


Von Lars-Håkan Herbertsson an alle:  01:15 PM
Agree, not very relevant
Von Abigail Wickes an alle:  01:16 PM
Von Felix Hemme (ZBW) an alle:  01:16 PM
Von Martina Schildt an alle:  01:16 PM
agree, not very relevant
Von Jessica Harris (she/her) an alle:  01:16 PM
Agree with Jack
Von scolglaz@mtholyoke.edu an alle:  01:19 PM
For Agreements, like Jack, the exact number I do not need, I just need to know there is something there OR not

Von Felix Hemme (ZBW) an alle:  01:21 PM
We use the term filter to find licenses where important terms are missing.

Von Jack Mulvaney an alle:  01:27 PM
For me - knowing that there are two unpopulated terms doesn’t help me know which ones are unpopulated - so if this is something you want to explore Owen I think there’s a different way to satisfy a broader use case
Felix’s method is probably how I would default to solving this as well
I think that makes sense

Von Jack Mulvaney an alle:  01:42 PM
I’m coming around to you Owen that I think for the use case at the 5C they might be the same ask to have multiple values (ie. multiple distinct text values) on a single Supp. prop or having a supp. Prop repeated multiple times

Von Peter McCracken an alle:  01:48 PM
My preferred UI here would be checkboxes - one for each authentication option. Just select the relevant boxes, then move on to the next Term

Von Jack Mulvaney an alle:  01:49 PM
I would actually agree there but I think it’s my bias from using CORAL
Von Hartnett, Eric J an alle:  01:49 PM
@Peter - that's how CORAL handles is

Von Felix Hemme (ZBW) an alle:  01:53 PM
@Jack - the 'visibility' property was confusing for my colleagues as well. They did not get what that means and what implications it has when it's set to public.

Von Peter McCracken an alle:  01:54 PM
We make the license terms publicly visible; our ILL staff are very happy to see it. Emma hears about it quickly whenever that feature breaks.

Von Emma Raub an alle:  01:54 PM
Yes, it's super helpful!

Von Jack Mulvaney an alle:  01:59 PM
I think a URL type would be awesome
It would replicate the way supp. docs automatically hyperlinks in the URL field
But I’ll probably say both again!
I might want to add richer text in a public note for the patrons.

Attendees list



Home Organization

Aaron Neslin



Abigail Wickes

Duke University Libraries

Alaina Jones 


Alice Daugherty

University of Alabama

Amanda Cornwell

Johns Hopkins University Libraries

Amelia Sutton


Andrea Meindl

UB Regensburg

Annika Schröer

UB Leipzig

Anu Moorthy


Anya Arnold



Beate Aretz

Stabi Berlin

Benjamin Ahlborn

SuUB Bremen

xBirgit Neumann

Björn Muschall

UB Leipzig

Catherine Tuohy

Emmanuel College 

Claudia Malzer

ULB Darmstadt, Developer


Dwayne Swigert

Missouri State University


Emma Raub 



Eric Hartnett

Texas A&M University


Felix Hemme

ZBW Kiel


Gill Osguthorpe

UX/UI Designer - K-Int


Gisela Weinerth

SUB Hamburg

Heather Thoele

Texas A&M University

Ian Ibbotson

Developer Lead - K-Int


Jack Mulvaney


Jag Goraya



Janet Ewing

Five Colleges / Mount Holyoke College Library

Jenna Lantermann

Five Colleges / Smith College 

Jenna Strawbridge



Jessica Harris


Jir Shin Boey

Missouri State University

Joe Sikowitz

Fenway Library Organization

Johann Rolschewski

ZDB, Berlin

Julie Brannon


Kathleen Berry

UMass Amherst


Kathleen Norton

Five Colleges / Mount Holyoke College Library

Katrin Brüggemann

UB Leipzig

Khalilah Gambrell


Kirstin Kemner-Heek  

VZG, Göttingen

Kristen Wilson

Index Data

Kristin Martin


Kyle Banerjee


Lars-Hakan Herbertsson


Laura Wright

Cornell University

Lindsey Lowry

University of Alabama

Lindsey Taggert

Missouri State University

Luca Lanzillo

Sapienza Library System - Sapienza University of Rome

Mara Egherman


Marie Widigson


Mariyam Thorhira

Johns Hopkins University Libraries

Marjorie Snyder

Mark Arnold

Missouri State University

Mark Deutsch



Martina Karlsson



Martina Schildt

VZG, Göttingen


Martina Tumulla

hbz, Cologne


Mary O’Brien

Matthieu Bordet

DMCultura, Ravenna, Italy


Molly Driscoll


Moritz Horn

VZG, Göttingen

Nancy Finn


Nancy Pelis

Five Colleges / Mount Holyoke College Library


Norma Flores

Olga Harder

TIB Hannover


Owen Stephens

Product Owner -  Owen Stephens Consulting


Paul Trumble


Peter Böhm

HeBIS, Frankfurt


Peter McCracken


Rüdiger Stratmann

IAI SPK Berlin


Sabine Howahl

ULB Darmstadt

Sabrina Bayer

UB Regensburg


Sara Colglazier

Five Colleges / Mount Holyoke College Library


Sarah Dennis

Texas A&M University

Sarah Morgenstern-Einenkel

UB Leipzig

Scott Stangroom


Siobhan McManamon

Five Colleges / Smith College

Sobha Duvvuri


Stew MacLehose

University of New England

Susanne Schuster

BSZ Konstanz


Tatjana Clemens

UB Frankfurt

Theodor Tolstoi

Chalmers, EBSCO


Tracy Patton

Missouri State University

Virginia Martin

Duke University Libraries

Xiaoyan (Yan) Song


Yvonne Mönkediek

SuUB Bremen