ALT Gesammelte Gaps deutscher Institutionen

ALT Gesammelte Gaps deutscher Institutionen


AppFunctionalityJIRANotesUse casePrio
Top 5
1Check-inRefuse check-in if item is not at primary service point for home locationUXPROD-2877

2Fees/FinesFuture Fees/Fines: implement reminder fee for German LibrariesUXPROD-2015

3Requestsautomatic slip printing incl. printer management
Feature is needed (Darcy)Indication of printers at locations with reference to capsR2
4RequestAnonymization of request data (see loan data)https://folio-org.atlassian.net/browse/UXPROD-1041
Should be on its own settings page: anonymize all (closed loans/requests/fees/fines, circ log, ...) and single anonymization ; Possibility of "partial anonymization" of loan history, (background - service for users to be able to view their loan-history, but to delete titles they do not want to have stored)R1
5Noticestypes of notices: layouts should be konfigurable per delivery type
Feature is needed (Darcy)Users without an email adress should aways get standard mail ; Layouts differ (email, sms, mail..)R1
6Bulk editing via UIBulk editing data via UI
Feature is needed (Kelly)Change loan date for all patrons due to COVID
7Check-outShow user notes at check-out (In account summary)UXPROD-2814 Pop-up and in addition showing it on the left side
8Check-outAllow special consent (override), e.g. for certain loan functionalitieshttps://folio-org.atlassian.net/browse/UXPROD-2016
Extraordinary renewal of hold requestR2
9Check-outOffline check outsUXPROD-1275

10Fees/FinesFees/Fines in-app reports: Balance cash drawer for fees/finesUXPROD-845scheduled for juniper
11Fees/Fines(Reminder) fees are charged to the account as soon as they are incurred, not totaled when the book is submitted
see UXPRO-2015

12Fees/FinesOverdue fine policy (staggered interval), i.e. the first 7 days are charged e.g. 0.50 EUR, from the 8th day 1 EUR.UXPROD-2950Holly created feature on March 9, 2021

13Item StatusThe possibility to create custom item statusesUXPROD-1535

14PermissionsMore granular permissions

Staff can see other Staff members but not users ; Or employees can only see users but not employeesR3
15PrintingPrinting the screen in an adequate format

Print all Patrondata in Users; Print all Loan data on the screenR2
16RequestCounter selection adjustable - discovery system interfaceUXPROD-2689
Old collections may only be ordered at the reading room counterR3
17RequestsRequest: allow override of prevented requestUXPROD-2649

18RequestsTitle level requests

19RequestsFilter option by location in requests

20RequestsResults list: column for call numberUXPROD-923 (work around)

21Requestsautomatic deletion of the closed requests after a certain time

22UsersPatron block after a certain time (expiration of loans)UXPROD-2822

23UI User profileBe able to personalize and save UI settings

24UsersChange/set the password via the UI

25UsersPatron block after a certain time with charges e.g. after 2 months with charges on the account



AppFunctionalityJIRANotesUse casePrio

Refuse check-in if item is not at primary service point for home locationUXPROD-2877

Future Fees/Fines: implement reminder fee for German LibrariesUXPROD-2015


automatic slip printing incl. printer management
Feature is needed (Darcy)Indication of printers at locations with reference to network printers (CUPS) → Small sub group (Darcy, Erin, Julie, Thomas, Jana, ...)R2

Anonymization of request data (see loan data)https://folio-org.atlassian.net/browse/UXPROD-1041
Should be on its own settings page: anonymize all (closed loans/requests/fees/fines, circ log, ...) and single anonymization ; Possibility of "partial anonymization" of loan history, (background - service for users to be able to view their loan-history, but to delete titles they do not want to have stored)R1

types of notices: layouts should be konfigurable per delivery type
Feature is needed (Darcy)Users without an email adress should aways get standard mail ; Layouts differ (email, sms, mail..)R1

Bulk editing data via UI
Feature is needed (Kelly)Change loan date for all patrons due to COVID

Show user notes at check-out (In account summary)UXPROD-2814 Pop-up and in addition showing it on the left side

Allow special consent (override), e.g. for certain loan functionalitieshttps://folio-org.atlassian.net/browse/UXPROD-2016
Extraordinary renewal of hold requestR2

Offline check outsUXPROD-1275


Fees/Fines in-app reports: Balance cash drawer for fees/finesUXPROD-845scheduled for juniper

(Reminder) fees are charged to the account as soon as they are incurred, not totaled when the book is submittedUXPROD-2015see UXPRO-2015

Overdue fine policy (staggered interval), i.e. the first 7 days are charged e.g. 0.50 EUR, from the 8th day 1 EUR.UXPROD-2950Holly created feature on March 9, 2021

Item marked as "paid" can be "re-activated" if incorrectly marked as paid and managed as an open fee

The possibility to create custom item statusesUXPROD-1535


More granular permissions

Staff can see other Staff members but not users ; Or employees can only see users but not employeesR3

Printing the screen in an adequate format

Print all Patrondata in Users; Print all Loan data on the screenR2

Counter selection adjustable - discovery system interfaceUXPROD-2689
Old collections may only be ordered at the reading room counterR3

Request: allow override of prevented requestUXPROD-2649


Title level requestsUXPROD-1796


Filter option by location in requestshttps://folio-org.atlassian.net/browse/UXPROD-2285


Results list: column for call numberUXPROD-923 (work around)


automatic deletion of the closed requests after a certain time

Patron block after a certain time (expiration of loans)UXPROD-2822


Be able to personalize and save UI settings


Change/set the password via the UI


Patron block after a certain time with charges e.g. after 2 months with charges on the account


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