2021-09-01 Meeting notes

2021-09-01 Meeting notes




  • 5-10 minutes to clear up some questions for UM documentation
  • Review delete limitation:
    • Open unexpired proxy
    • Open loans
    • Open fees/fines
    • Open requests
    • Other?
  • Permissions:
    • Who should have access to the bulk edit app?
    • Should edit and delete functionality require the same permissions or should be separated?
    • Concerns related to data privacy
    • Other?
  • Kimie's proposed UX: 

  • Discuss Fees/fines bulk edits scenarios and possible approaches

Discussion items

5 minNote takerAmelia

Amelia has graciously agreed to take notes

15 minUpdates for User Management documentationChristine

Christine has the following questions:

  • Is manual set up or manual edit of the expiration date in a User record an Iris functionality? Or is it available in Honeysuckle? Is there a jira # associated with this?

This functionality is available in Honeysuckle.  The most appropriate JIRA ticket appears to be UIU-1255.  (MCB: I am happy to be corrected, if there's a more appropriate JIRA ticket.)

  • Is the Date Enrolled field automatically populated when a record is system-generated? For example, when a student enrolls and a record is created through data import from the Registrar/Bursar?

This is not automatically populated.  The Create Date exists, and is automatically populated.  We'll need a use case to spec out the Date Enrolled field.

  • Default Service Point is not a required field. How does service point tie into check out/holds/delivery for a user if no service point is assigned?
  • Refresher needed (I'm currently in Chicago and did not bring my work notes with me): Did we decide to have Fee/Fines, Loans, Requests, Patron Block documentation linked to Resource Access? Or did we decide to have this documentation live in Users?

These two questions will be referred to RA SIG.

Bulk Edit - DeletionsMagda

The delete functions should require the data dependencies listed in the agenda.

How does deleting a User record affect the Metadata?  We have to answer this question.

Bulk Edit Delete - PermissionsMagda
  • Who should have access to the bulk edit app?
    • This function should be a separate permission from editing users generally, and should be restricted to a very few users.
  • Should edit and delete functionality require the same permissions or should be separated?
    • Edit and delete functionality should be together.
  • Concerns related to data privacy
    • Balance the need for preserving privacy vs. having a backup in case of a catastrophic error
    • Right now, the Bulk Edit app is designed to allow the user to download a copy of the selected data to the user's workstation
      • This is not considered a big problem with data privacy, because the permission to do this will be restricted to people who should be trained and trusted to responsibly use and delete the data.

Kimie's proposed UXMagda
  • Everyone liked the look of this very much.
  • Delete action description should be changed to “Delete Matched Records” there should also be some indication that there will be more options shown before the delete is made
  • Should Download Updated records be done separately from the confirmation and running of the bulk edit
    • This would require the system to make the changes to the records without committing them, then downloading that file

Action items


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