Circulation BFF (backend-for-frontend)

Circulation BFF (backend-for-frontend)

The diagram below provides the initial vision and reasoning for introducing the backend-for-frontend concept for the Circulation domain.

The diagram below is to visualize how the modules involved in ECS Circulation / Secure requests interact. And what dependencies these modules have on each other.

In short,

  • mod-circulation provides the core functionality, all related arrows go "into" this module,

  • mod-tlr and mod-requests-mediated add functionality to the circulation,

  • mod-circulation-bff acts as a router/aggregator, it stands "in front" of the above-mentioned backend modules,

  • UI modules or edge/backend modules (related to Patrons) use mod-circulation-bff or other backend modules mentioned above.

So we see a layered structure where dependencies go from top to bottom and no circular dependencies exist.


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