Task 5.2 Generate receiving pieces for a predicted piece set

It is recommended you are familiar with how to use the serials application before trying this task as it does not describe every step in detail. Task 1.1 and Task 2.1 or Task 2.2 provide step-by-step instructions that will help you become familiar with the process of setting up a serial record and publication pattern. Task 5.1 provides the steps for creating a predicted piece set.

  1. Login to Snapshot or Snapshot-2 Folio with the username/password: acq-manager / acq-manager

  2. Create an Order with Order type “Ongoing” (other details can be completed or left as necessary)

  3. Add an Order line to the order for a single title (i.e. not a package order)

    1. Order format: Physical

    2. Receiving workflow: Independent order and receipt

    3. Other details can be completed or left as necessary

  4. Navigate to the “Serials” application

  5. Create a New serial record, link the PO Line you have created and set the status to “Active” (in order to create receiving pieces there must be a PO Line linked to the order)

  6. Add an active publication pattern complete with chronology and enumeration and a template. Follow the examples in Task 2.1 or Task 2.2 or see the relevant documentation:

  7. Save the publication pattern

  8. Generate a predicted piece set from the serial record (see Task 5.1)

  9. From the predicted piece set click the Actions button and select Generate receiving pieces

  10. In the Generate receiving pieces modal you will need to complete the options for creating the recieving pieces. Apart from the first option (Time between publication and receipt (days)) all other options here are from the receiving application:

    1. Time between publication and receipt (days) → this number of days will be added to the publication date (on the predicted piece)

    2. Piece format → the format that will be used when creating receiving pieces

    3. Supplement → the value to use for the Supplement checkbox when creating receiving pieces

    4. Holding or Location → this will only be present if there is a holding or location specified on the order line linked to the serial. If there are multiple holdings or locations available on the order line, you will be able to select one of them that will be used when creating receiving pieces. All receiving pieces created from the predicted piece set will have the same holding or location, but multiple receiving pieces can be created from the same predicted piece set

    5. Display in holding → the value to use for the Display in holding checkbox when creating receiving pieces

  11. Once all parts of the Generate receiving pieces modal have been completed, click the “Generate receiving pieces” button

  12. After the receiving pieces have been created, the form should close and the predicted piece set view should be updated to indicate that each of the pieces has been generated in receiving

  13. Navigate to the receiving app search for the order line to check the receiving pieces have been created with the correct information including:

    1. Expected receipt date

    2. Piece format

    3. Holding/Location

    4. Supplement option