2020-11-10 Meeting notes

2020-11-10 Meeting notes






Paul Moeller

Abigail (Abby) S. Baines

Ranti Junus 

Heidi Schroeder

Agenda and Notes 

Jira Check-in 

Accessibility Dashboard 

  1. CU Boulder - Schedule  
    1. Testing has started. 
    2. Meeting with Acquisitions to discuss feedback
  2. Keyboard Checklist in development (Huda) 
    1. https://forms.gle/351gb9vGxVqX6ESX7
  • Updates from Khalilah 
    • CU Boulder continues to provide feedback on on assigned work
    • Working on keyboard shortcuts with Gill, John Coburn, and Aditya. Talking with RA SIG today about them.
  • Reach out to Peter about where the form can live and can it live in the FOLIO space - Beth checked in again about this (11/9)
Accessibility Statement 
  1. At September PC meeting, asked to put on hold. It is a complicated issue. What would be covered by a VPAT of "FOLIO" (app level, core apps, overall?) 
    1. Contacted 
      1. https://www.paciellogroup.com/
      2. http://www.accessibilitypartners.com/
      3. https://tenon.io/ - 20K-65K estimate 
      4. https://www.barrierbreak.com/
  2. Accessibility Statement 
    1. Examples: Wordpress; Openstax; Drupal
    2. W3 Generator 
  • Look at the Apple model about what are the threshold quality for inclusion
  • Khalilah Gambrell have we done screen reading testing w/ Chrome on iOS? Looking at Zac's comment in the accessibility statement. Have we also tried windows narrator? 
  • egerman and Khalilah will review the Assessment Approach section to expand upon our practices. 
Documenting Progress

There is a request from the PC to develop process for telling the story of how we are improving the accessibility within FOLIO. There was also interest in having another demo of accessibility within FOLIO. 

  • Something to consider: report dashboard page for documenting evidence of improvement/testing 

Next Meeting Planning
  • What does an updated demo look like? (follow what Jane did and should show resolved issues) 
  • Documenting progress (explain what we did as a narrative and Abby can capture) 
  • Data element (tickets created / tickets resolved)  

Parking lot

  • Assistive Technology User Group 
  • FOLIO on tablets / touch technology / voice

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