2021-07-13 Meeting notes

2021-07-13 Meeting notes




Meeting ID: 264 479 336
Passcode: folio-lsp 



ranti junus

Khalilah Gambrell

Owen Stephens

Paul Moeller

Huda Khan

@Zoë McLaughlin

Agenda and Notes 

Jira Check-in 

Accessibility Dashboard 

  1. CU Boulder - Schedule  | 2021 Schedule 
    1. Testing has started. 
    2. Meeting with Acquisitions to discuss feedback
  2. Updates from MSU testing
  • Looking for volunteers to help write test cases for testing. Similar to test rail cases or user acceptance testing but with a little more since often the testers are experts in assistive technology rather than FOLIO/ILS need to add some more details. 
Keyboard Navigation 
  • Keyboard Navigation
  • Discussion from Slack
    • Sounds like there's a need to have list of screen reader shortcuts and compare them with those that are created for the FOLIO platform and see if any of them conflicts (or make sure there'll be no conflict)
    • Not just screenreader shortcuts but also operating system shortcuts and browser shortcuts must be checked. In addition, we need to consider which keyboards to support. For example, I proposed another shortcut for displaying keyboard shortcuts modal but that shortcut did not work on a German keyboard. Also need to consider when/if to use functions as shortcuts.
Screen Readers 
  • Discussion from Slack 
    • FOLIO doesn’t “officially” support Safari at present** but this article about capturing VoiceOver prompts to text files to assist devs with a11y testing was still interesting, and something that could be important for us in the future. (edited) 
    • A side-effect of this is that we don’t support screen readers on macOS at all (JAWS is Windows-only). Adding support for Safari is a big effort (big-picture stuff basically works but there are lots and LOTS of edge cases) and requires a continual effort over the long-term to maintain, but specifically WRT a11y for macOS I think it would have a big impact.
    • I typically test with NVDA and I believe Dennis has a MAC and uses VoiceOver or maybe NVDA for screenreader testing. Also UC Boulder uses NVDA plus JAWS for testing
    • Despite the potential additional workload, it is always best practice not to design and/or code for only one browser or OS. Until that issue is addressed, FOLIO software will remain non-compliant.
  • It's not that we don't support safari we just make sure everything works in Chrome. 
  • Why doesn't things work in other browsers. 
  • From an accessibility stand point, we would like to support other browsers. 
  • Example about using tablets for work is common in libraries which would be Safari. 
  • Teams would address issues as they come up but won't test or validate against Safari. 
  • From accessibility statement: 
    • FOLIO LSP is designed to be compatible with Google Chrome browser. The following assistive technologies are compatible when using Chrome browser on Windows OS:
      • NVDA
      • JAWS
    • FOLIO LSP is compatible with macOS, Safari, and VoiceOver. However, Safari is not a supported browser by the FOLIO community.
  • Next steps: Khaliah will check in with EBSCO a11y PM regarding automated testing 
Wiki Update

Use Cases draft

  • About the SIG 
  • Meeting Notes 
  • Accessibility Commitment 
    • Accessibility Statement 
    • User Testing Reports 
  • Accessibility Dashboard 
  • Resources
    • For Product Owners
    • For Developers 
    • For UX Designers 
    • Documentation 
  • Report an Issue 
Reported IssuesHow is the pane slider accessible? 
  • Khalilah Gambrell - We had a question about how does a screen reader read the slider and how can you move it using keyboard navigation. 
    • Keyboard navigation needs to be investigated 
    • Screen reader doesn't pick it up as expected 
Accessibility of resources


  • How are people recording accessibility of materials? 
  • TAMU: We're using coral. Things are tagged and VPATS are stored with licenses 
  • CU-Bolder: Extensive testing
  • How does FOLIO handle this? 
  • Can we have a conversation with the ERM folks to discuss how to document accessibility of resources within FOLIO? 

Next Meeting Planning / Parking Lot

Parking lot

  • Assistive Technology User Group 
  • FOLIO on tablets / touch technology / voice
  • New governance model (slidedeck)
  • Update on the accessibility demo 
  • Does one meeting a month keep us moving in a way that is sufficient?
  • What is the role of the SIG in the community? Relationship between development and testing. Especially with new modules. What is the expectations of the community of the SIG?  
  • What are implementers having issues with and what are others doing? Documentation of accessibility?
  • How is accessibility information about the resources built in into the system? 
  • Line between usability and accessibility 
  • User engagement 
  • Overarching Goal: Make sure that other libraries are able to adopt FOLIO 
    • What does an updated demo look like? (follow what Jane did and should show resolved issues) 
  • There is a request from the PC to develop process for telling the story of how we are improving the accessibility within FOLIO. There was also interest in having another demo of accessibility within FOLIO. 

    • Something to consider: report dashboard page for documenting evidence of improvement/testing 
    • egerman and Khalilah will review the Assessment Approach section to expand upon our practices. 
    • Documenting progress (explain what we did as a narrative and Abby can capture) 
    • Data element (tickets created / tickets resolved)  

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