


FOLIO Accessibility Guidelines

Accessibility tab in FOLIO's Feature Backlog

Stripes Components, the building blocks of FOLIO's user interface

ui-testing, automated regression tests for FOLIO's UI

Accessibility Guidelines:

W3C Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1 – required by law in many countries, see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_Content_Accessibility_Guidelines#Legal_obligations

Deque WCAG 2.1 Primer 

Useful Websites:

Accessibility for Teams (accessibility.digital.gov) – A ‘quick-start’ guide for each role: Product, Content, UX, Visual design, Front end

University of Colorado Usability Lab

University of Colorado Universal Design

Web Accessibility Initiative, Web Accessibility Perspectives, Explore the Impact and Benefits for Everyone: video clips that illustrate the importance of web accessibility

WebAIM: resource for anyone interested in web accessibility

The A11Y Project, provides an accessibility checklist and a list of accessible widgets.

Popular Screen Readers (JAWS, NVDA, VoiceOver*) Overview authored by UMich

WebAxe Blog and Podcast

Keyboard Shortcut - Best Practices (blog post)

Keyboard Shortcut - Best Practices (msg board)

Guide to Reduced Motion for Scrolling and Movement-Inhibited Users

HTML Resources: 

Testing Tools:

Web Accessibility Validation Evaluator (WAVE): Free tool that identifies accessibility errors. Tool checks that your website is compliant with the following guidelines: 508 and Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG)

Colour Contrast Analyser: Free tool that verifies whether your library website is accessible for colorblind users. It also verifies that your design is in compliance with WCAG guidelines tied to the use of color

Content Readability: Tool evaluates the reading level of your content. Free to copy/paste content or URL

WAVE, Web DeveloperFirefox/Chrome Extensions for Web Developers

WebAIM Color Contrast Checker

QA Checklist Example:

Note: Use WCAG Success Criteria as a checklist if WCAG conformance is required by law or policy. See https://www.w3.org/WAI/WCAG21/Understanding/conformance

WebAIM's WCAG 2 Checklist

Texas A&M QA Checklist

Univ of Washington IT Accessibility Checklist & Tutorial

After the System Upgrade or Migration.pdf



Directive (EU) 2016/2102 on the accessibility of the websites and mobile applications of public sector bodies

Understanding accessibility requirements for public sector bodies and Accessibility and assisted digital: gov.uk about Accessibility Regulation 2018 that implements the EU Directive

Accessibility regulations - what you need to know: jisc.ac.uk about Accessibility Regulation 2018 that implements the EU Directive