2020-09-08 Meeting notes

2020-09-08 Meeting notes


Meeting recording: [tbd]


Agenda and Notes 

  1. Jira Check-in 
    1. Accessibility Dashboard 
  2. Keyboard testing
    1. Results from survey: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1fPZh3KUsnf4Nyz2z_eG24imhh_U3IcryT60lse5bVrQ/edit?usp=sharing
  3. Testing 
    1. CU Boulder - Schedule  
      1. Testing has started. 
      2. Meeting with Acquisitions to discuss feedback
    2. Keyboard in development (Huda) 
      1. https://forms.gle/351gb9vGxVqX6ESX7 (Draft Google Form)
      2. Need to beta-test the form and give feedback.
        1. Developed a keyboard navigation check list. How this works is that for each app and each page on an app it will walk you through key tests for keyboard navigation. 
        2. Select and app and then select a page within that app (search/filter/ create new / edit/ etc) and then follow the questions through he form. You'll be asked if the test passes or fails. If the test fails, please describe and upload a screen shot or link to a video. 
        3. At this point we're testing the form, please give us any feedback on the form or process by Sept 16th. 
      3. Who will do the testing? 
        1. Accessibility SIG
        2. POs / Designers 
  4. Discussion of Next Steps
    1. VPAT 
      1. Question vendor or SIG created?
      2. Contacted 
        1. https://www.paciellogroup.com/
        2. http://www.accessibilitypartners.com/
        3. https://tenon.io/
        4. https://www.barrierbreak.com/
    2. Standards and timelines 
      1. https://www.w3.org/WAI/standards-guidelines/wcag/new-in-22/
      2. https://www.levelaccess.com/eu-directive-overview-and-drivers/#:~:text=On%20October%2026%2C%202016%2C%20the,Union%20(%E2%80%9CEU%E2%80%9D). - Accessibility Statement by the Sept 21st? 

Next meeting:

  • Sept 9 - Accessibility statement Review 

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