2020-01-14 Meeting notes
2020-01-14 Meeting notes
Meeting recording: https://tamu.zoom.us/rec/share/7NVVK-HgzGlJbM_vtmrPaJ49QYTYaaa81HMd_qEJmE5D2cRYPnxUmiqL0Qw7AqTr
Agenda and Notes
ERM Accessibility - Gill Osguthorpe
- Slidedeck: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1DZRh5r5tq8whmLCmYKdEp0-ZsCSem_l6GLGDG60RTOY
- The lingering big question: How is accessibility embedded in the story delivery process
- Khalilah/Zak/Gill will work on workflow
WOLFCon - Accessibility 101
For the good of the group
- Reminder: download new ics file if that is how you calendar: https://zoom.us/meeting/v5Ipc-6hrTgsdbL7MEQfRwYYW6ZqgyuMBw/ics?icsToken=aa6585e163eab1e71b0dbd1180319a70c08e4855c38a9f4f3edccebb3e60d4b0
Next meeting:
- February 11, 2020 - Review keyboard shortcut results
- March 10, 2020
Action items
- PO Survey about Accessibility readiness egerman
Looking good, no incomplete tasks.Task report