- Overdue loans report not cumulatingUIU-1286Resolved issue: UIU-1286Emma Boettcher
- An error message will show after opening the site again in the users' section.UIU-1149Resolved issue: UIU-1149
- "Reset All" button will show disable and previous result message visible even no keyword in the search field.UIU-1148Resolved issue: UIU-1148Cate Boerema
- Change due date confirmation page is blank.UIU-1145Resolved issue: UIU-1145Emma Boettcher
- error pops when trying to open Fees/Fines screenUIU-1143Resolved issue: UIU-1143Holly Mistlebauer
- Can't create user in Bugfest environment as folioUIU-1142Resolved issue: UIU-1142
- "Loans: Renew loans" permission is not workingUIU-1140
- An error page "Cannot read property 'toLowerCase' of undefined" will open when trying to see the user details.UIU-1138Resolved issue: UIU-1138
- Fee/Fine not displaying on Closed LoansUIU-1136Resolved issue: UIU-1136Holly Mistlebauer
- Queue numbers are oddUIREQ-309Resolved issue: UIREQ-309patty.wanninger
- Sorting by Request Date Column Not WorkingUIREQ-306Resolved issue: UIREQ-306
- Missing Instance title from the Moving Request popupUIREQ-304Resolved issue: UIREQ-304Kyle Felker
- Pick-up points in random orderUIREQ-299Resolved issue: UIREQ-299
- White page error when entering a patron barcode to create a new requestUIREQ-298Resolved issue: UIREQ-298
- Search doesn't find "Klara Abrahamsson" with both words.UIPFU-17Resolved issue: UIPFU-17Zak Burke
- Unable to sort by statusUIPFU-16Resolved issue: UIPFU-16Oleksandr Antonenko
- Better error message for Download Metadata without "Login-SAML: administration" permissionUIORG-182Resolved issue: UIORG-182
- 'ERROR:Cannot read property 'cql' of undefined' is seen when applied 'omappad, odefinierad' filterUIIN-1089Resolved issue: UIIN-1089
- Search on titles with apostrophe failsUIIN-676Resolved issue: UIIN-676Charlotte Whitt
- View source button is messed up when trying to view the second MARC recordUIIN-675Resolved issue: UIIN-675Taras Tkachenko
- Instance ID search does not workUIIN-673Resolved issue: UIIN-673Charlotte Whitt
- Item record: Notes "Select Type" displays no options when creating item recordUIIN-669Resolved issue: UIIN-669Michal Kuklis
- Holdings Record: Suppress from discovery checkbox does not stay selectedUIIN-667Resolved issue: UIIN-667Zak Burke
- error pop up appears when applied any location filter for the searched keyword in InventoryUIIN-664Resolved issue: UIIN-664Charlotte Whitt
- Instance record. Detailed view. Not all Indentifier types are displayedUIIN-662Resolved issue: UIIN-662
- Barcode search takes 30-40 seconds to executeUIIN-659Resolved issue: UIIN-659
- When user is trying to close full view provider details after editing it, Edit form appears againUIEH-767Resolved issue: UIEH-767
- Unable to create/edit a custom titleUIEH-763Resolved issue: UIEH-763Khalilah Gambrell
- "Add title to custom package" modal | values persist after hitting cancelUIEH-762Resolved issue: UIEH-762Igor Godlevskyi
- "Add title to custom package" modal is not closed after first click on the Cancel button, validation message appears insteadUIEH-761Resolved issue: UIEH-761Igor Godlevskyi
- Publication Type filter: Need more whitespace after Unspecified optionUIEH-760Resolved issue: UIEH-760Khalilah Gambrell
- In process upload from secret button shows in Preview section instead of Running sectionUIDATIMP-255Resolved issue: UIDATIMP-255Ann-Marie Breaux
- Secret button does not work for uploading the fileUIDATIMP-254Resolved issue: UIDATIMP-254
- Uploading 2 files with the same extension, but different case, does not work.UIDATIMP-252Resolved issue: UIDATIMP-252Oleksandr Yehorov
- Fix callout when deleting profilesUIDATIMP-249Resolved issue: UIDATIMP-249Taras Tkachenko
- Fix translation stringsUIDATIMP-248Resolved issue: UIDATIMP-248Taras Tkachenko
- Overdue notices come every ten minutes or soUICIRC-313Resolved issue: UICIRC-313
- System error occurs when checking in a specific bookUICHKIN-107Resolved issue: UICHKIN-107Maxim Didenko
- Search for user results in system errorUICAL-75Resolved issue: UICAL-75Zak Burke
- First symbols of the URL are not visible while creating a link in Details section for new NoteSTSMACOM-245Resolved issue: STSMACOM-245Khalilah Gambrell
- Make Address type requiredMODUSERS-139Vignesh Kalyanasundaram
- "Internal Server Error" appears in Titles section of a Custom package after removing any title from Custom packageMODKBEKBJ-294Resolved issue: MODKBEKBJ-294Natalia Zaitseva
- array queries with additional clauses may failMODINVSTOR-319Resolved issue: MODINVSTOR-319Eric Valuk
- Search instances by item.barcode is slowMODINVSTOR-292Resolved issue: MODINVSTOR-292Adam Dickmeiss
- "Current page unstable" errors due to missing elements.FOLIO-2206Resolved issue: FOLIO-2206
- Check in receipt didn't render the checked in date/time valueCIRC-420Resolved issue: CIRC-420Roman Barannyk
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